cancer patient assistance program philippines

by Janick Schumm IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In the Philippines, qualified cancer patients can get financial or health assistance from certain government agencies and officials as well as private charity organizations to cover part of the cost of treatment and medicines. If the patient has no or with insufficient health insurance, the caregiver can apply for assistance on the patient’s behalf at the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).

The PCSO's Individual Medical Assistance Program (IMAP) provides financial assistance for cancer treatments chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy based on the classification system established under the program. To apply for this subsidy, the patient must present: Valid IDs.Jun 28, 2019

Full Answer

How can I help cancer patients in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, qualified cancer patients can get financial or health assistance from certain government agencies and officials as well as private charity organizations to cover part of the cost of treatment and medicines. If the patient has no or with insufficient health insurance, the caregiver can apply for assistance on ...

How can I get financial assistance for cancer treatment?

The PCSO’s Individual Medical Assistance Program (IMAP) provides financial assistance for cancer treatments chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy based on the classification system established under the program. To apply for this subsidy, the patient must present: Biopsy results for chemotherapy patients.

What is the Cancer Lifeline patient financial assistance fund?

Cancer Lifeline Patient Financial Assistance Fund The Cancer Lifeline Patient Financial Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to low-income patients actively being treated for cancer, or within three (3) months of active treatment. Funds granted can be used for living expenses to meet basic needs or unreimbursed medical expenses.

What is the cancer financial assistance coalition in Spanish?

In Spanish, there is the Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition. This is the organization that helps the people to get the information about various organizations that stands for helping the people and also provide them financial help who are in need.

When did the Philippine Cancer Control Program start?

How many Filipinos die from cancer every hour?

What is the National Cancer Prevention and Control Action Plan 2015-2020?

What is the Coordinating Body for Cancer?

What is the role of a cancer supporter?

How many provinces have cryotherapy equipment?

How many cancer deaths were there in 2012?

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Where can I get financial help for cancer in the Philippines?

Below is a list of available government entities that provide financial support to cancer patients.Department of Health.Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office.Department of Social Welfare and Development.Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation.Office of the Vice President.Senate of the Philippines.More items...•

What benefits are available to cancer patients?

Cancer patients are entitled to a variety of government benefits. These include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid and Medicare. These benefits last long-term as long as you continue to meet the criteria required by the SSA.

Can cancer patients apply for disability Philippines?

– Cancer patients, persons living with cancer and cancer survivors are considered as persons with disabilities (PWDs) in accordance with Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Disabled Persons”.

How can I get money if I have cancer?

How can I get money for cancer treatment? Grants, crowdfunding, and disability benefits are some other ways you can get money for cancer treatment. Additionally, viatical or life settlements (where you sell your life insurance policy for a lump sum of cash), can be a great option to get money for cancer treatment.

What resources are available for cancer patients?

How Do I Find These Resources?Resources.CancerCare. 800-813-HOPE (4673) Collaborative. Cancer Society. 800-227-2345. Administration on Aging. 800-677-1116. United Way. (find your local United Way at

What type of cancers qualify for disability?

In general, any cancer that is Stage IV or terminal will automatically qualify a person to receive disability benefits. A very serious cancer diagnosis qualifies for the Compassionate Allowance program, which expedites the claim for disability benefits to start receiving money quickly.

How can I get free chemotherapy in the Philippines?

Cancer treatment can also be provided for free or partially free in some of the larger government hospitals, particularly in designated cancer centers under the Department of Health. In addition, the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology provides a list of patient support programs and patient support groups.

What disability comes under PWD Philippines?

7277, more commonly known as Magna Carta for Persons with Disability, states that PWD ID applicants are classified under seven disability categories.Psychosocial disability. ... Disability caused by chronic illness. ... Learning disability. ... Mental disability. ... Visual disability. ... Orthopedic disability. ... Communication disability.

Who are eligible for PWD card Philippines?

Any Filipino with a permanent disability can apply for a PWD ID. Republic Act 10754 defines persons with disability as those with "long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments" that interfere with their interactions in society.

Does the government give you money if you have cancer?

Government Compensation for Cancer Patients If a person acquired any of those diseases and lived in those specified areas of the Western U.S. during that time, they can apply for compensation. Unlike class-action lawsuits, statutes like this offer compensation without having to prove causation.

What happens if you can't work due to cancer?

If you can't work due to a cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible for financial support from two Social Security programs. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provide financial support to people with disabilities unable to work.

Is cancer a disability?

According to the United States Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC), cancer is not always considered a disability. The ADA can help protect you when cancer prevents or makes it very hard for you to do everyday tasks such as household chores, bathing, and brushing your teeth.

Does cancer treatment count as a disability?

The Equality Act considers a diagnosis of cancer as a disability. You don't have to have symptoms or consider yourself disabled by your cancer to be covered.

Do cancer patients qualify for PIP?

The process of getting PIP is much quicker if you're terminally ill. You qualify for PIP if: your doctor or a medical professional thinks that you might have less than 6 months to live. you're older than 16 and have not reached State Pension age (66 years)

Does your mortgage get paid off if you have cancer?

If you took it out before you were diagnosed with having cancer then the payout you receive can be a large enough sum to cover a percentage of your mortgage or even pay it off in full. Check your policy and don't forget to put a claim in.

Can you get free dental treatment if you have had cancer?

Free dental treatment for all cancer patients – with an exemption in the same manner as prescription charges; Ensure patients are advised by their GP (who is normally the first medical professional to be aware of the diagnosis) to visit their dentist prior to treatment starting.

Cancer and the Philippine Cancer Control Program

Received February 2, 2001; accepted August 28, 2001. INTRODUCTION. In the Philippines, cancer ranks third in leading causes of morbidity and mortality after communicable diseases and cardiovascular diseases (Department of Health–Health Intelligence Service or DOH–HIS, 1992, 1996) ( 1).Over the period 1942–96, communicable disease mortality has shown a gradually decreasing trend, in ...

Cancer | Department of Health website

CONTACT INFORMATION San Lazaro Compound, Tayuman, Sta. Cruz, Manila Philippines 1003 Telephone No. (632) 8651-7800 DOH Call Center Telephone No: (632) 8651-7800 local 5003-5004

TThe Department of Hea alth - Philippinine Cancer Control Proggram

Page 3 of 10 Public Information & Health Education - To conduct continuing public information campaign on the prevention and early detection of cancer. Under this pillar, the National Cancer Consciousness Campaign year-round is the primary strategy, which includes the

Philippine Cancer Resources | CancerIndex

BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer cases and deaths among Filipino women because of inadequate access to screening and treatment services.This study aims to evaluate the health and economic benefits of HPV vaccination and its combination with different screening strategies to find the most optimal preventive strategy in the Philippines.


Coping with cancer may different for every patient. Know that there are patient support groups who could help you in different phases of your journey.


The Philippine Society of Medical Oncology is a member of the Cancer Coalition Philippines. Together with the Philippine Cancer Society and the Philippine Society of Oncologists, we, at the Coalition supports the various programs of the Department of Health for the Filipino Cancer Patients.

What is the purpose of the Philippine Cancer Center?

Key provisions under NICCA include the creation of the Philippine Cancer Center to promote and encourage cancer research, provide training to medical professionals , and house the population-based cancer registry.

What is the Cancer Coalition Philippines?

A core group of organisations (The Cancer Coalition Philippines) worked closely with supportive ‘champions’ in the Ministry of Health and the Senate and the House of Representatives.

What is the Philippines' sin tax law?

Alongside the UHC Bill and Z Benefits Package, the Philippines adopted a Sin Tax Reform Law in 2012 which placed higher excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco to help address premature deaths associated with non-communicable diseases. Revenues from the Sin tax law have been allocated for health. In 2016, the Department of Health (DOH) budget had doubled compared to 2013 (122.63 billion PHP, 2.44 billion USD [2] ). Similarly, money earmarked for PhilHealth in the DOH budget went up to 43.89 billion PHP (0.88 billion USD) and was largely used to pay the contributions for the indigent members of PhilHealth1. In January 2018, the government began imposing a tax of 6 Philippine pesos per litre (around 13%) on sweetened beverages to lower the burden of obesity [3], The funds for implementing the UHC Bill will be managed through PhilHealth and will be financed through general taxation, payments from PhilHealth members, and revenues from the Sin Tax law and sugar-sweetened beverage tax.

What is the NICCA?

The passage of NICCA was a direct result of civil society, patient support organisations and medical societies working on cancer control joining forces. These organisations formed a coalition and committed to go beyond specific ‘cancer disease’ siloes in order to promote the needs and interests of both adults and children with cancer. A core group of organisations (The Cancer Coalition Philippines) worked closely with supportive ‘champions’ in the Ministry of Health and the Senate and the House of Representatives. The 2017 World Health Assembly Resolution “Cancer Prevention and Control in the Context of an Integrated Approach” was a useful resource that was shared directly with legislators during initial ‘buy-in’ meetings and formed the basis for framing and structuring the proposed law. This was also aided by the involvement of the then Minister of Health of the Philippines in the crafting of the WHA resolution.

What is the Philippines Republic Act 11215)?

In February 2019, President Duterte signed the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA) (Philippines Republic Act 11215) to strengthen cancer control in the country, increase cancer survivorship and reduce burden on families and cancer patients.

What is the National Integrated Cancer Control Program?

As part of NICCA, the National Integrated Cancer Control Program was created to serve as the framework for all cancer control activities of the government. The passing of NICCA was welcomed by civil society organisations working on cancer in the Philippines, and who advocated strongly for an overarching law on cancer to ensure continuity of the national cancer control programme in the Philippines regardless of changes in government leadership, and with dedicated human and financial resources for its implementation.

What is included in the Z Benefit Package?

At its inception, the Z Benefit Package included breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer and childhood cancer (Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia), and in 2015, colon and rectum cancer were added. The process by which Z Benefit Package was developed included the following steps: An analysis of the country’s epidemiological burden.

What are the breast cancer organizations in the Philippines?

Breast cancer organizations in the Philippines such as The Pink for Life and Soroptimist Ortigas Foundations provide assistance for Stage 1 and 2 breast cancer patients. Applicants have to submit a pathology report, patient details and list of medicines or chemotherapy agents by fax to 6365578 or by email via [email protected].

How to get free medicine in the Philippines?

Indigent patients can get free medicines from the Louie Jacinto Foundation or Kythe Foundation by submitting a proof of income or a certificate of in digency issued by the barangay office. The foundation gives checks payable to the billing department of the hospital where the patient is confined to get free medicines until they are discharged or have fully recovered.

What is PWD in cancer?

PWD Benefits. Cancer patients are classified as persons with disability (PWD), so they can also apply of financial assistance from the Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) or DSWD office in their locality, according to the National Integrated Cancer Control Act Section 25 and 26, Article VII.4. To qualify for the assistance, the patient ...

What is IMAP in PCSO?

The PCSO’s Individual Medical Assistance Program (IMAP) provides financial assistance for cancer treatments chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy based on the classification system established under the program . To apply for this subsidy, the patient must present:

Can cancer patients get financial assistance in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, qualified cancer patients can get financial or health assistance from certain government agencies and officials as well as private charity organizations to cover part of the cost of treatment and medicines. If the patient has no or with insufficient health insurance, the caregiver can apply for assistance on ...

Does the DOH help with cancer?

The DOH provides financial support in helping treat cancer for patients anywhere in the country if they are PhilHealth members or endorsed by the DSWD.

Who submits cancer application?

Applications are submitted by social workers assigned to or requested by patients (or another healthcare representative if no social worker is available) on a regular basis, at times communicated to social workers by Cancer Lifeline.

How to contact Cancer Lifeline?

If you would like Cancer Lifeline to help connect you to a social worker or other healthcare representative at the site where you are treated, send these four pieces of information to [email protected] or call and leave them on our financial assistance line at (206) 832-1282.

How does the Cancer Lifeline work?

Cancer Lifeline staff works to help cancer patients stay in treatment by providing financial resources to help meet basic needs or access medical care, including medications, health insurance, co-pays or transportation to treatment.

Does Cancer Lifeline fund breast cancer?

Important Note: While Cancer Lifeline was able to provide funding to breast cancer patients, including more than a single grant for metastatic cancer that began as breast cancer, this separate source of funding is no longer available. As such, Cancer Lifeline is no longer able to fund patients with metastatic cancer more than once per lifetime.

What is the Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition?

This is the organization that helps the people to get the information about various organizations that stands for helping the people and also provide them financial help who are in need. You can visit their website because there you will get all the detailed information about the organizations and their programs that are helpful for the people. From there you will get information about other sources and also financial support. You can visit the website link and get all the detailed information with ease.

How does cancer affect the family?

Because of this the financial condition no remains stable and the family has to suffer from emotional as well as financial stress because of its treatment cost.

Is Medicaid good for cancer patients?

For cancer patients, Medicaid is the option that they can choose and also beneficial for them. From Medicaid, families who belong to low-income can get help to reduce the bills of treatment. It is considered very helpful for cancer patients and their families. Even here is the list of organizations are given from there people can get help financial assistance and pay the bills. So, that the people who are suffering from cancer can look for the list of organizations and try to get help from them and reduce their stress for paying treatment bills.

Does Social Security cover cancer?

Social security assistances also offer disability assistance that include cancer assistance for all stage of cancer patients. you can find listing of various cancer assistances at

Do people with cancer have money?

Around us, lots of people are suffering from cancer and they also do not have money for their treatment. Even we also listen from them that they are suffering from cancer, but they also have a lack of money. But fortunately, there are lots of civil associations and organizations that provide financial assistance to a patient who is suffering from cancer.

Can non profit organizations help with cancer?

Now this can be a good news for all the cancer patients that you have no need to suffer alone with your cancer bills, there are some of the Non Profit organizations that either help with paying your medical Bills or other cancer assistance That can be helpful for a cancer patient. The only thing is to consider here is that every organization has own eligibility criteria so before you are applying for a specific organization assistance program make sure you are aware of what they exactly needed. There are some non Profit Organizations that can be helpful to fight with cancer.

Does the government help low income cancer patients?

Government is always consider Cancer Patients and their pain on top Priority, Government Various programs help Low Income Cancer patients with various Grants and Financial assistance. Not only Federal Government cancer benefits are useful, Any person can also go with state wise Cancer Benefits That provide free financial help to cancer patients and their Families. As we have said the Government Help low income First so the major criteria or eligibility in government grants and assistance for cancer patients is Income status of an individual or family. There are Various agencies such as USDA That help with Housing Repair Grants for low income cancer patients, Agency like Department of social services Help cancer patients with free food and Housing assistance. Here is the list of some of Government programs that help cancer patients with Free Financial help

How to keep credit in your home after cancer treatment?

To keep a good credit rating and stay in your home, talk with your creditor or landlord about your situation and try to make special arrangements. Family, friends, or church members may be able to give you short-term help if they’re told about the problem. Talk about your situation with the cancer treatment team social worker who may know of special resources.

What is TANF grant?

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a grant program for people with low incomes. It provides monthly cash to help pay for food, clothing, housing, utilities, transportation, phone, medical supplies not covered by Medicaid, and other basic needs . (TANF also helps states provide training and jobs for the people in welfare programs.) A social worker can tell you about your state’s plan, or contact your local health or social services department. You can visit them online at

What is the number to call for food assistance?

Some families may qualify for more than one type of help. For more information about these programs, call the National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-348-6479 (1-866-3-HUNGRY); for Spanish, call 1-877-842-6273. Or visit

What is the road to recovery program?

The American Cancer Society Road To Recovery® program is available in some areas. Trained volunteers drive patients and families to hospitals and clinics for treatment. Contact your local American Cancer Society office for more information on the type of transportation program available in your area.

What to do if you have cancer and need to move out of your home?

Families who need to move out of their homes after a cancer diagnosis should talk with their county department of social services to find out if they can get into low-cost or government-supported housing programs. In some states this may be listed under the health department or welfare department.

Can you get paid for time spent caring for a patient?

A few people are able to get paid for time spent caregiving. Some states have Cash and Counseling Programs that can directly pay some caregivers. You can find out if your state has a program by contacting your local Medicaid office, social services, or health department.

Does Leukemia and Lymphoma Society provide gas?

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, through its Patient Aid program, can help some families with the cost of gas and parking for outpatient treatment. This aid is only for those with blood cancers (leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma). There’s a limit on the amount of financial help to each patient and family for each year. Check with your team social worker about this program or contact the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at 1-800-955-4572 or look on

When did the Philippine Cancer Control Program start?

In response to this growing and alarming epidemic of cancer, there is a need to revisit and strengthen the Philippine Cancer Control Program which started in 1990 through Administrative Order No. 89-A s. 1990, amending A.O. No. 188-A s. 1973. Hence, the National Cancer Control Committee (NCCC) developed the National Cancer Prevention ...

How many Filipinos die from cancer every hour?

Furthermore, 189 of every 100,000 Filipinos are afflicted with cancer while four Filipinos die of cancer every hour or 96 cancer patients every day, according to a study conducted by the University of the Philippines’ Institute ...

What is the National Cancer Prevention and Control Action Plan 2015-2020?

The National Cancer Prevention and Control Action Plan 2015-2020 shall cover the following key areas of concern: Policy and Standards Development. Development of “National Policy on the Integration of Palliative and Hospice Care into the Philippine Health Care System”. Development and Operationalization of National Cancer Prevention ...

What is the Coordinating Body for Cancer?

Coordinating body for all cancer works in the country. Ensure the implementation of NCPCP down to the grassroots level. Establish and carry out an effective nationwide cancer education program / dissemination. Provide technical and financial support on cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and palliative care.

What is the role of a cancer supporter?

Provide technical and financial support on cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and palliative care

How many provinces have cryotherapy equipment?

Availability of cryotherapy equipment in every province (81 provinces)

How many cancer deaths were there in 2012?

Cancers figure among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer related deaths in 2012 (WHO). More than 60% of world’s total new annual cases occur in Africa, Asia and Central and South America. These regions account for 70% of the world’s cancer deaths (WHO). It is expected that annual cancer cases will rise from 14 million in 2012 to 22 within the next 2 decades (WHO).


The Journey from The ‘Z Benefit Package’ to The UHC Bill

The National Integrated Cancer Control Act

  • In February 2019, President Duterte signed the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA) (Philippines Republic Act 11215) to strengthen cancer control in the country, increase cancer survivorship and reduce burden on families and cancer patients. As part of NICCA, the National Integrated Cancer Control Program was created to serve as the frame...
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The Active Involvement of Civil Society and Other Stakeholders

  • Both of these landmark legislative acts were the result of strong and sustained advocacy, planning and consultation, involving the government, civil society organisations, legislative champions, the private sector and international organisations. For the UHC Bill, a series of public hearings was held in Cebu, Davao, Legazpi and Lingayen involving a wide range of stakeholders, …
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Success Factors

  • Reflecting on the work to date, it is possible to identify several success factors which have contributed to the progress so far in the Philippines: 1. Utilised political ‘champions’ to drive cancer control up the political agenda and built on a strong advocacy movement with public and political support for cancer control nationally 2. Actively engaged cancer organisations from acr…
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