colorectal cancer patient assistance

by Savion Monahan Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Through their Blue Hope Financial Assistance Fund, the Colorectal

Colon Cancer

Cancer that begins in the last part of the digestive tract-colon.

Cancer Alliance provides checks of $200 to eligible patients facing colon cancer. These funds can be used to cover costs associated with daily living, transportation, food, or even utilities.

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Can colon cancer patients qualify for disability?

Social Security has included colorectal cancer (cancer of the large intestine) in the agency's listing of impairments, called the Blue Book. If your cancer meets the requirements of the listing, you'll automatically qualify for disability benefits.

What benefits are available to cancer patients?

Cancer patients are entitled to a variety of government benefits. These include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid and Medicare. These benefits last long-term as long as you continue to meet the criteria required by the SSA.

How can I get money if I have cancer?

How can I get money for cancer treatment? Grants, crowdfunding, and disability benefits are some other ways you can get money for cancer treatment. Additionally, viatical or life settlements (where you sell your life insurance policy for a lump sum of cash), can be a great option to get money for cancer treatment.

What type of support services is used for some colon cancer patients?

Colorectal Cancer Support ServicesCancer support groups and classes.Integrative medicine for cancer patients.Exercise program for cancer patients (ExCITE)Genetic counseling.Fertility preservation.Caregiver services.

What cancer qualifies for disability?

In general, any cancer that is Stage IV or terminal will automatically qualify a person to receive disability benefits. A very serious cancer diagnosis qualifies for the Compassionate Allowance program, which expedites the claim for disability benefits to start receiving money quickly.

What resources are available for cancer patients?

How Do I Find These Resources?Resources.CancerCare. 800-813-HOPE (4673) Collaborative. Cancer Society. 800-227-2345. Administration on Aging. 800-677-1116. United Way. (find your local United Way at

Does the government give you money if you have cancer?

Government Compensation for Cancer Patients If a person acquired any of those diseases and lived in those specified areas of the Western U.S. during that time, they can apply for compensation. Unlike class-action lawsuits, statutes like this offer compensation without having to prove causation.

What is the Pink Fund?

The Pink Fund provides financial support to help meet basic needs, decrease stress levels and allow breast cancer patients in active treatment to focus on healing while improving survivorship outcomes.

What happens if you get cancer and can't work?

If you can't work due to a cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible for financial support from two Social Security programs. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provide financial support to people with disabilities unable to work.

Can you live a long life after colon cancer?

Myth: Most of the time, when you are diagnosed with colon cancer, it is already spreading to other parts of your body. Fact: This is simply not true. The majority of patients diagnosed with colon cancer can be treated and will go on to live normal lives.

How long does colorectal cancer take to progress?

Most of these polyps will not become malignant (cancerous), but some can slowly turn into cancer over the course of about 10-15 years. Once cancer has developed in the colon, its progression will vary according to the cellular makeup of the tumor and other factors, such as the age and overall health of the patient.

What is the survival rate of stage 4 colorectal cancer?

Fifty percent of all colorectal cancer patients die from metastatic disease. Overall 5-year survival for patients with stage IV colorectal cancer is less than 10%.

Does cancer treatment count as a disability?

The Equality Act considers a diagnosis of cancer as a disability. You don't have to have symptoms or consider yourself disabled by your cancer to be covered.

Do cancer patients qualify for PIP?

The process of getting PIP is much quicker if you're terminally ill. You qualify for PIP if: your doctor or a medical professional thinks that you might have less than 6 months to live. you're older than 16 and have not reached State Pension age (66 years)

Does your mortgage get paid off if you have cancer?

If you took it out before you were diagnosed with having cancer then the payout you receive can be a large enough sum to cover a percentage of your mortgage or even pay it off in full. Check your policy and don't forget to put a claim in.

Can you get free dental treatment if you have had cancer?

Free dental treatment for all cancer patients – with an exemption in the same manner as prescription charges; Ensure patients are advised by their GP (who is normally the first medical professional to be aware of the diagnosis) to visit their dentist prior to treatment starting.

What is the purpose of funding for colorectal cancer?from

Funding gives peace of mind to colorectal cancer patients, plus financial and emotional support, providing everything from transportation to helping pay bills.

What is the Colon Cancer Coalition?from

Money raised through the Colon Cancer Coalition’s signature events are granted back to the community where it is raised to address health disparities in our community. These community grants build on efforts to support colorectal cancer patients and their families, increase access and screening rates, educate the public about life-saving colorectal cancer screening, and support research into health disparities, young-onset colorectal cancer, and personalized medicine.

How to reduce barriers to colorectal cancer screening?from

Reducing barriers to colorectal cancer screening for average risk under-served patients through no-cost FIT screening and follow-up colonoscopy.

What are mini grants?from

Mini-grants to support patients with non-medical expenses as they live through colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment. Past mini-grants have covered rent, car payments, child care, heating bills, and large one-time expenses.

What is the colorectal cancer alliance?

The Colorectal Cancer Alliance provides support for patients and families, caregivers, and survivors; raises awareness of preventive measures; and inspires efforts to fund critical research for colorectal cancer. Learn more.

What are the eligibility criteria for colorectal cancer?

Eligibility Criteria. Be getting treatment for Colorectal Cancer. Reside and receive treatment in the United States or U.S. territories. (U.S. citizenship is not a requirement.) Have Medicare health insurance that covers your qualifying medication or product.

What is the name of the cancer that affects the digestive system?

Colorectal cancer (CRC), also known as colon cancer, rectal cancer and bowel cancer, is a cancer of the large intestine. CRC affects the digestive system. Source: National Institutes of Health.

How does racism affect colorectal cancer?from

However, racism impacts the ability of Black people to reach optimal health and wellbeing by impacting access to health insurance and quality treatment, which ultimately impacts the prevention, detection, and treatment of colorectal cancer.

What is the Alliance for Cancer?from

The Alliance’s financial assistance programs help low-income individuals receive support for screenings or unmet financial needs during cancer treatment. To qualify for a low-cost colonoscopy or a FIT test, you:

What types of support do you offer?from

The Alliance’s Financial Assistance programs currently include the following components:

What is Blue Hope Financial Assistance?from

Through the legacy donation of Carol Green and her family, Blue Hope Financial Assistance helps families receive a potentially life-saving screening test or lessen the financial burden of treatment. Ms. Green passed in 2010, but her vision for a world free of colorectal cancer is realized through the program she helped launch. We salute you for helping us end colorectal cancer within our lifetime.

What is the phone number for cancer screening?from

If you have questions or need help with the application, our certified patient and family support navigators can help you on our free Helpline, (877) 422-2030, Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm EST.

Does Blue Hope Financial Assistance exclude applicants based on age?from

The program does not exclude applicants based on age or genetic factors, so encourage your loved ones to apply if they qualify for the Blue Hope Financial Assistance program. Learn more about the Blue Hope Financial Assistance program and apply at the Colon Cancer Alliance.

What is Blue Hope Financial Assistance?

The Blue Hope Financial Assistance program helps low-income individuals reduce the burden of testing and treatment costs.

Does Blue Hope Financial Assistance exclude applicants based on age?

The program does not exclude applicants based on age or genetic factors, so encourage your loved ones to apply if they qualify for the Blue Hope Financial Assistance program. Learn more about the Blue Hope Financial Assistance program and apply at the Colon Cancer Alliance.

How is colorectal cancer treated?from

Staging identifies the severity of the cancer. Treatment options can include the use of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

What is the colorectal cancer organization?from

The Colorectal Cancer Alliance provides services in the areas of patient and family support, research funding and prevention efforts. The organization also promotes the National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month observed in March of every year, and the Dress in Blue Day, held on the first Friday of every March.

What is the first step in colon cancer treatment?from

For a colon cancer, surgery is usually done first, followed by chemotherapy . Chemotherapy and radiation may precede or follow surgery for a stage III rectal cancer. Stage IV: For patients with stage IV colorectal cancer, the disease has spread (metastasized) to distant organs such as the liver, lungs or ovaries.

What is stage 1 colon cancer?from

The standard treatment of a stage I colon cancer is usually a colon resection alone, in which the affected part of the colon and its lymph nodes are removed. The type of surgery used to treat a rectal cancer is dependent upon its location, but includes a low anterior resection or an abdominoperineal resection.

What is the best way to check for colorectal polyps?from

Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy is the best procedure to check for colorectal polyps and cancer. Colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure in which a physician uses a long, flexible scope (called a colonoscope) to view the rectum and entire colon. During the procedure, polyps can be removed and tested for signs of cancer.

Why are monoclonal antibodies used in cancer treatment?from

Monoclonal antibodies are created in a lab to find and destroy a particular target – in this case, colorectal cancer cells. Because of their precision, the idea is that treating a tumor with a monoclonal antibody will be more specific than chemotherapy drugs, and therefore have fewer side effects.

What is immunotherapy for cancer?from

Immunotherapy is a newer type of treatment for colorectal cancer. The goal of immunotherapy is to boost a patient’s immune reaction to the cancer cells to help them fight the disease more effectively. There are two types of immunotherapy: active and passive.

What is the Colorectal Cancer Alliance?from

"To empower a nation of allies who work with us to provide support for patients and families, caregivers, and survivors; to raise awareness of preventative measures; and inspire efforts to fund critical research. ". Patient support, Cancer research, public policy, education and prevention.

When was the Colon Cancer Alliance founded?from

The Colorectal Cancer Alliance was founded on March 18, 1999 , as the Colon Cancer Alliance, after being incorporated in the state of Delaware.

How many colon cancers are found in the early stages?from

The chance of surviving colon cancer goes up with early detection and treatment—but only 40% of colon cancers are found in the early stages. Help us increase screening rates and save more lives.

What is the passion to end a preventable disease?from

A passion to end a preventable disease brings together people of such varied backgrounds and expertise, from world-renowned medical experts to corporate sponsors to survivors now giving back in hundreds of ways. Learn more about the people pushing our alliance forward every day.

Is the Colon Cancer Alliance a nonprofit?from

After the merger, the Colon Cancer Alliance retained its name, and became the largest colorectal cancer-focused nonprofit organization in the United States. As of November 1, 2017, the foundation was officially re-branded as the Colorectal Cancer Alliance.

Is colorectal cancer the third most common cancer?from

Are you ready to take action? Colorectal cancer is the third most-commonly diagnosed cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer death in men and women combined in the United States.

Who submits cancer application?

Applications are submitted by social workers assigned to or requested by patients (or another healthcare representative if no social worker is available) on a regular basis, at times communicated to social workers by Cancer Lifeline.

How to contact Cancer Lifeline?

If you would like Cancer Lifeline to help connect you to a social worker or other healthcare representative at the site where you are treated, send these four pieces of information to [email protected] or call and leave them on our financial assistance line at (206) 832-1282.

How does the Cancer Lifeline work?

Cancer Lifeline staff works to help cancer patients stay in treatment by providing financial resources to help meet basic needs or access medical care, including medications, health insurance, co-pays or transportation to treatment.

Does Cancer Lifeline fund breast cancer?

Important Note: While Cancer Lifeline was able to provide funding to breast cancer patients, including more than a single grant for metastatic cancer that began as breast cancer, this separate source of funding is no longer available. As such, Cancer Lifeline is no longer able to fund patients with metastatic cancer more than once per lifetime.

What is the phone number for cancer care?from

The organization’s phone number is (800) 813-4673 and its website is

What to do if you have cancer and need to move out of your home?from

Families who need to move out of their homes after a cancer diagnosis should talk with their county department of social services to find out if they can get into low-cost or government-supported housing programs. In some states this may be listed under the health department or welfare department.

What is CancerCARE?from

CancerCARE is an additional benefit, provided by your health plan, that focuses on helping you through a cancer diagnosis. Through CancerCARE, you have access to:

How does the Cancer Lifeline work?from

Cancer Lifeline staff works to help cancer patients stay in treatment by providing financial resources to help meet basic needs or access medical care, including medications, health insurance, co-pays or transportation to treatment.

Where to send CCAF invoices?from

Invoices can be mailed or faxed to: Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation 275 Seventh Ave., 22nd Fl. New York, NY 10001 Fax: 212-601-9762. CCAF will consider retroactive reimbursement on a case-by-case basis for first time applicants actively receiving chemotherapy or targeted treatment.

What is American Life Fund?from

American Life Fund. This company specializes in viatical settlements, helping late-stage cancer patients obtain cash for their life insurance policies. This isn’t a charity, but it has extensive experience working with clients whose policies can be cashed out. Their website is found at

What is the American Cancer Society?from

American Cancer Society. This organization, founded in 1913 when cancer was almost always a death sentence, has played a huge role in turning the malady into a treatable disease. It offers a trove of information about prevention, diagnosis, treatments, patient support and cures. It is America’s 10 th most popular charity, according to the Chronical of Philanthropy. The ACS has chapters throughout the country and those diagnosed with cancer should consider using its resources for an assortment of needs. To learn more visit

How to find out if a drug company has a patient assistance program?

To see if the drug company that makes your medication has a patient assistance program, check its website. You can also ask your doctor or use the Medicine Assistance Tool, which has a list of pharmaceutical programs and other resources for financial assistance. Needy Meds can also help with costs.

What is government assistance?

Government Assistance. There are a number of federal and state programs that provide financial benefits to individuals and families. These benefits, known as entitlements, are primarily set up for low-income households, older adults and the disabled. Each entitlement has eligibility requirements.

Does Needy Meds cover cancer?

These programs have their own eligibility rules and may cover only certain cancers. Contact each organization to learn more.

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