head and neck cancer patient assistance

by Rowland Koch V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Head and Neck Cancer Alliance is proud to announce that we offer a limited supply of BP and Exxon gas cards in the amount of $50.00 to head and neck cancer patients in need. This patient assistance is made possible by two private donors to whom we are greatly indebted. If you need assistance, please contact us at (866) 792-HNCA (4622).

Full Answer

What is the head and Neck Cancer Alliance doing to help?

The Head and Neck Cancer Alliance is proud to announce that we offer a limited supply of BP and Exxon gas cards in the amount of $50.00 to head and neck cancer patients in need. This patient assistance is made possible by two private donors to whom we are greatly indebted. If you need assistance, please contact us at (866) 792-HNCA (4622).

What resources are available to help with head and neck cancer?

Here is a list of resources dedicated to helping with these disease-related financial burdens. The Head and Neck Cancer Alliance is proud to announce that we offer a limited supply of BP and Exxon gas cards in the amount of $50.00 to head and neck cancer patients in need.

How can I get help paying for cancer treatment?

CancerCare provides grants to help cancer patients cover the cost of cancer treatment expenses, but they also provide financial aid to help patients pay for the additional childcare or home care expenses incurred during therapy. Call 1-800-813-HOPE for a financial assistance application.

Do you want to help cancer patients manage their financial challenges?

As long as you live in our geographic area and are currently in active treatment for cancer, we want to help! The Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC) is a coalition of organizations that help cancer patients manage their financial challenges by educating them about existing resources.


What resources are available for cancer patients?

How Do I Find These Resources?Resources.CancerCare. 800-813-HOPE (4673) Collaborative. Cancer Society. 800-227-2345. Administration on Aging. 800-677-1116. United Way. (find your local United Way at

What benefits are available to cancer patients?

Cancer patients are entitled to a variety of government benefits. These include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid and Medicare. These benefits last long-term as long as you continue to meet the criteria required by the SSA.

What is the life expectancy of head and neck cancer?

For all head and neck cancer subtypes, one-year survival falls between 1 and 5 years after diagnosis, though the gradient of the fall varies between subtypes. For most head and neck cancer subtypes, one-year survival falls between 5 and 10 years after diagnosis.

Which is a problem for patients with head and neck cancer?

Background Patients with head and neck cancer often experience debilitating speech, eating, and respiratory problems as well as the psychological effects of loss of function and change in body image.

How can I get money if I have cancer?

How can I get money for cancer treatment? Grants, crowdfunding, and disability benefits are some other ways you can get money for cancer treatment. Additionally, viatical or life settlements (where you sell your life insurance policy for a lump sum of cash), can be a great option to get money for cancer treatment.

How much disability can you get for cancer?

You Could be Entitled to $3,345 Per Month! Get a Free Case Evaluation Today. If you have a cancer diagnosis and your condition has made it impossible for you to work, you should consult with a disability advocate or attorney. You can have a loved one apply for disability benefits on your behalf if you cannot.

Can you survive stage 4 head and neck cancer?

For a patient with stage IV cancer, age must also be considered to prognose survival. For a patient who is 67 years or older, the expected median survival is a little more than 1 year. If this patient were younger than 67 years, then the expected median survival would be about 2 years.

Is head and neck cancer terminal?

How head and neck cancer is treated. Many cancers of the head and neck can be cured, especially if they are found early. Although eliminating the cancer is the primary goal of treatment, preserving the function of the nearby nerves, organs, and tissues is also very important.

Is head and neck cancer fatal?

Each year, more than 55,000 Americans will develop cancer of the head and neck (most of which is preventable). Nearly 13,000 will die from cancer of the head and neck. Head and neck cancers are curable if caught early. Fortunately, most of them produce early symptoms.

How long can you live with metastatic head and neck cancer?

The prognosis of patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell cancer is generally poor. The median survival in most series is 6 to 15 months depending on patient- and disease-related factors. Symptom-directed care plays an important role in the management of these patients.

Is Stage 3 neck cancer curable?

They are usually curable. Stage III and IV cancers have usually spread to nearby lymph nodes, and/or are large tumors. They usually require more complicated treatment and have a smaller chance of cure, but most are potentially curable.

How fast does oral cancer spread?

This disease spreads very quickly, especially for people who use tobacco alcohol and are over 50 years old. It takes approximately five years for oral cancer to develop from stage one to four. Therefore it is important to identify it early when there is a greater chance of cure.

What types of cancer qualify for disability?

If you have been diagnosed with one of the following cancers, you should automatically, medically qualify for disability benefits:Esophageal cancer.Gallbladder cancer.Brain cancer.Inflammatory breast cancer.Liver cancer.Pancreatic cancer.Salivary cancers.Sinonasal cancer.More items...•

Do cancer patients qualify for PIP?

The process of getting PIP is much quicker if you're terminally ill. You qualify for PIP if: your doctor or a medical professional thinks that you might have less than 6 months to live. you're older than 16 and have not reached State Pension age (66 years)

Does your mortgage get paid off if you have cancer?

If you took it out before you were diagnosed with having cancer then the payout you receive can be a large enough sum to cover a percentage of your mortgage or even pay it off in full. Check your policy and don't forget to put a claim in.

Can you get free dental treatment if you have had cancer?

Free dental treatment for all cancer patients – with an exemption in the same manner as prescription charges; Ensure patients are advised by their GP (who is normally the first medical professional to be aware of the diagnosis) to visit their dentist prior to treatment starting.

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When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to HNC Support International.

What is an HNCA ambassador?

Our ambassadors are cancer patients, survivors, and/or caregivers whose inspirational journeys give true meaning to what happens when you are diagnosed with cancer, during and post-treatment. Ambassadors are available to speak at meetings and events, to participate in research on patient journeys and/or designing clinical protocols.

What is Smash Cancer?

Smash Cancer is an annual tennis tournament fundraiser started by The Howard Family, who lost both of their parents to head and neck cancer. This successful fundraiser, held annually in Wilmington, NC, has raised more than $100,000 in the past 6 years for the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance. Proceeds support our Gas Card Program for cancer patients needing financial help during treatment. New in 2018, we are pleased to offer a second annual tournament, taking place in Orlando, FL.

What is HNCA inspire?

HNCA offers a free online community through the Inspire platform for individuals and their loved ones who are facing oral, head and neck cancers. This community offers peer-to-peer support in a safe environment so you can connect with others experiencing similar diagnoses, treatments and outcomes.

What is Ohanca screening?

OHANCA® is our flagship program, focusing on public awareness and early detection. HNCA partners with medical and dental clinics worldwide to offer FREE screenings and awareness programs for their local communities. When detected at stages I and II, the survival rate is over 80%; however more than half of all cases are found at later stages. When caught at a later stage, survival is less and side effects of treatment are much more significant. OHANCA® strives to increase the number of cancers caught early and improve patient outcomes.

Does HNCA cover gas?

HNCA understands that transportation costs may prevent a patient from receiving treatment . We offer a limited supply of $50 gas cards to help patients cover transportation costs to their medical facility. The program is not income-based or based on the number of miles traveled to treatment, so it is open to virtually all U.S. residents with a diagnosis of head and neck cancer.

What foundation helped Maria and Kaden?

Learn how HNC Living Foundation provided assistance to Maria and Kaden so they could get back to living life fully after head and neck cancer.

Is head and neck cancer financially difficult?

Far too many head and neck cancer patients face financial challenges that are just as overwhelming as the medical challenges. We’re here to help.

How to contact a cancer patient advocate?

This is one of the few resources where insured cancer patients can get financial help to relieve their co-pay burden. Call them toll-free at 1-866-512-3861.

What is cancer care copayment?

The CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation was established to address the needs of individuals who cannot afford their insurance co-payments to cover the cost of medications for treating cancer. Specifically, the Foundation assists patients who have been prescribed an oral or intravenous medication (chemotherapy), but are unable to afford the out-of-pocket costs or co-payment responsibility required by the insurer or Medicare. The amount of assistance that people receive depends on factors such as income, amount of funding available, insurance coverage, and the actual co-payments that will be incurred within 1 year. The types of cancer and the medications covered by the Foundation change; for the latest information on available funding contact the Foundation or visit the Web site below.

What is a C.H.A.I.N. fund?

Who Are We? The C.H.A.I.N. Fund, Inc. is Financial Assistance and a Social Intervention Network for Cancer Patients. It was established in the heart of New Haven, CT., and we’ve aided the less fortunate for 10 years now. Many of those we helped were able to get back on their feet and start their lives a new.#N#What We Do! We Financially Assist Cancer Patients that are undergoing strenuous cancer treatments, which temporarily prevents them from working. The Chain fund assist Cancer Patients in areas such as mortgage, rent, utilities, prescriptions co-pays, insurance co-pays, & special food needs. We also make available, support services such as financial counseling, nutritional, emotional and wellness workshops and support groups.

What is cancer survivors fund?

Cancer Survivors’ Fund envisions reaching every young cancer survivor who is actively seeking a scholarship and/or financial assistance to obtain prosthetics needing our help to continue their education for personal growth and better, brighter future. Cancer Survivors’ Fund provides scholarships for young cancer survivors give them a new purpose and meaning in life and enable them to continue their college education. Cancer Survivors’ Fund provides prosthetic limbs to disadvantaged young adults. Cancer Survivors’ Fund counsels, provides emotional support, and motivates young cancer survivors and channel their thoughts and dreams to a healthy and productive future. Cancer Survivors’ Fund supports young survivors to become volunteers themselves, give others courage and hope to develop a strong willpower to continue their fight with cancer. Cancer Survivors’ Fund supports young survivors to become volunteers themselves, give others courage and hope to develop a strong willpower to continue their fight with cancer. Cancer Survivors’ Fund supports efforts to save lives through cancer research to find more effective treatments and the cure – to win the fight against cancer.

How many young adults are diagnosed with cancer each year?

The number of young adult cancer patients is growing at an alarming rate. Each year, nearly 70,000 adolescents and young adults, ages 15 to 39, are diagnosed with cancer. In contrast to patients both younger and older, survival rates for young adults have not improved since the early 1970s.

What is a CHN?

You can talk to someone who has been there. Cancer Hope Network (CHN) provides free, confidential, one-on-one support to cancer patients and their families. CHN matches people diagnosed with a trained volunteer cancer survivor who had a similar cancer experience and got through it. Their sole mission is to give you hope and to let you know that there is life after a diagnosis.

How many hospitals are there in the cancer program?

Approximately 300 hospitals take part in this program. Call 1-800-638-0742 to find a participating hospital in your area.

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