patient assistance for multiple myeloma

by Adeline Kuphal Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Through the fund, HealthWell will provide grants up to $10,000 to assist patients with copayment or premium costs. Multiple myeloma patients who are insured and have annual household incomes up to 500 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible under the fund.

Full Answer

Is there help available for multiple myeloma patients?

Treatment might not always be close by. The following housing and travel assistance resources for cancer patients can help provide relief for the costs that may accompany the multiple myeloma journey.

How can Airbnb help multiple myeloma patients?

The following housing and travel assistance resources for cancer patients can help provide relief for the costs that may accompany the multiple myeloma journey. Through this collaboration, the Airbnb community will provide free housing for cancer patients and caregivers, provided they meet certain geographic and income criteria.

What does good days do for multiple myeloma patients?

We provide direct financial assistance to multiple myeloma patients, assisting them with prescription drug co-payments their insurance requires relative to their diagnosis. Good Days, formerly known as Chronic Disease Fund, exists to improve the health and quality of life of patients with chronic disease, cancer, or other life-altering conditions.

What are the income requirements for multiple myeloma treatment?

Household Income Requirements 400% or less of Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG) (adjusted for Cost of Living Index (COLI) and number in household) Insurance Requirements Medicare, Medicaid, or Military Benefits Must reside and receive treatment in the United States. Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer formed by cancerous plasma cells.


How can you help someone with multiple myeloma?

Here are a few tips to help a loved one manage and cope with multiple myeloma.Learn about their treatment. ... Support their treatment decisions. ... Help organize a care plan. ... Provide practical assistance. ... Offer a listening ear. ... Do research on their behalf. ... Provide continuing support.

How do you deal with multiple myeloma mentally?

Here are some tips for coping with multiple myeloma:Understand your diagnosis. ... Communicate openly with your treatment team. ... Find help to manage your symptoms. ... Report any side effects. ... Learn to relax your mind and body. ... Seek extra support.

What is the most frequent cause of death in a patient with multiple myeloma?

Infection is a major complication and a leading cause of death in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) [1]. The risk of infection is due to a multifactorial immunodeficiency caused by the disease itself and the treatment regimens given during the different phases of therapy [2].

Does Medicare cover multiple myeloma?

"As most patients with myeloma in the United States are covered by Medicare, our results have important implications both for the clinicians who care for these patients and for health-care policy that tackles coverage of oral and parenteral anticancer therapy."

Is multiple myeloma curable 2022?

While there is no cure for multiple myeloma, the cancer can be managed successfully in many patients for years. The common types of treatments used for multiple myeloma are described below. Your care plan may also include treatment for symptoms and side effects, an important part of cancer care.

Can myeloma cause mood swings?

Mood or Emotion Changes Multiple myeloma and its treatment can be hard on you and your loved ones. It's common to have some mood swings or emotional changes. Drugs like thalidomide and steroids might also cause mood swings.

What is the best hospital to treat multiple myeloma?

Expertise and rankings Mayo Clinic hematologists are respected for their expertise and experience in diagnosing and treating multiple myeloma.

What are the signs of end stage multiple myeloma?

But when you have late-stage multiple myeloma, your symptoms may show up as: Being sick to your stomach. Bone pain in your back or ribs. Bruising or bleeding easily....Symptoms can include:Confusion.Dehydration.Kidney problems and even kidney failure.Peeing a lot.Severe thirst.Severe constipation.

How quickly does multiple myeloma progress?

Smouldering myeloma may progress to symptomatic myeloma, but your doctor won't be able to say when this will happen. The risk of myeloma progressing is highest in the first 5 years after diagnosis. About 50 out of 100 people (50%) with smouldering myeloma develop symptoms and need treatment within the first 5 years.

How much does chemotherapy cost for multiple myeloma?

For Multiple Myeloma in particular, treatment[3] typically involves one or more of the following options: chemotherapy, which can cost $10,000 -$200,000 or more; radiation therapy, which can cost $10,000-$50,000 or more; stem cell transplantation, which typically costs $20,000-$60,000; and/or prescription drugs which ...

How much does a stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma cost?

A doctor is also likely to discuss the related costs a person might incur and the scope of their health insurance coverage. STCs can be expensive, and may cost between $140,792 and $289,283 .

Does insurance cover stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma?

Currently, Medicare covers stem cell therapy for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants and autologous stem cell transplants. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant is used to treat blood-related cancers such as multiple myeloma, lymphomas, acute myeloid leukemia, and testicular germ cell cancer.

Does multiple myeloma affect the mind?

Mental confusion can be a symptom of multiple myeloma. It can be a result of blood hyperviscosity, high levels of calcium in the blood, or kidney issues. Some treatments for MM, such as chemotherapy, can also cause mental confusion.

Does myeloma affect the mind?

What is it? Myeloma and myeloma treatments can affect the brain's ability to collect, retain and process information. 'Chemo brain' is a term used to describe the mind and memory issues cancer patients can experience. Your healthcare team may refer to these symptoms as cancer-related cognitive changes.

What does multiple myeloma do to the brain?

In some patients, large amounts of myeloma protein can cause the blood to “thicken.” This thickening is called hyperviscosity. It can slow blood flow to the brain and cause: Confusion. Dizziness.

Can multiple myeloma cause neurological problems?

Patients with multiple myeloma (MM) often have neurologic complications. These include peripheral neuropathies, spinal radiculopathies, cranial nerve palsies, spinal cord compression, and a host of metabolic encephalopathies.

What happens if you are eligible for assistance?

If you are eligible for assistance, the application will be instantly approved, and you will be enrolled into the program.

What is it called when you have too many plasma cells?

This type of tumor is called a myeloma, and if there are many tumors they are called multiple myeloma. Having too many plasma cells can cause problems in the bone marrow, where all blood cells are made. The bone marrow may not be able to make enough red blood cells, platelets, or normal white blood cells. This can cause problems such as anemia ...

What is the resource guide for people with cancer?

Additionally, Cancer Care publishes A Helping Hand: The Resource Guide for People With Cancer, Financial Edition, which lists national and regional organizations that offer various kinds of financial help to people with cancer.

How to contact CCAF?

For more information, or to apply for assistance, patients and healthcare professionals can visit the CCAF website,, or call 866-55-COPAY (866-552-6729) .

What is CCAF for cancer?

CCAF is authorized to provide co-payment assistance for all types of cancer. This assistance is provided to ensure that patients have access to care and prescribed treatments. To qualify for assistance, patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma must meet certain financial and insurance criteria.

Does Cancer Care provide copayment assistance?

Cancer Care is therefore happy to ann ounce new co-payment assistance funds for people diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow, through the Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation.

What is the prognosis of multiple myeloma?from

When multiple myeloma is diagnosed, the stage of the disease varies from patient to patient . The correlation between the amount of myeloma and the damage it has caused determines prognosis. Prognosis is expected survival. A bone marrow biopsy is essential for staging.

Where is multiple myeloma found?from

About Multiple Myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer formed by cancerous plasma cells. Normal plasma cells are found in the bone marrow and are an important part of the body’s immune system. When plasma cells grow out of control, they can form a tumor, usually in the bone marrow.

Why is myeloma called multiple?from

Myeloma is called “multiple” because there are frequently multiple patches or areas in bone marrow where it grows. Multiple myeloma affects the places where bone marrow is active in an adult. Most common sites include the bones of the spine, skull, pelvis, rib cage, and the areas around the shoulders and hips.

How does myeloma affect the immune system?from

Myeloma suppresses the immune response as a whole. It reduces the number of normal antibodies, or immunoglobulins. In turn, all the cells that would patrol for and attack any abnormal infectious agents and/or cells are affected. The Course of the Disease.

What is MMRF CureCloud?from

The MMRF CureCloud® is a research study that includes the first at-home genomic testing program. This comprehensive data hub of clinical and genomic information can help researchers, clinicians and patients make smarter treatment decisions.

What tests are used to tell the story of myeloma?from

When looked at over time as a trend or pattern, these results best reflect a patient's status. Some common myeloma tests are blood tests, bone imaging, and urine tests.

What was Andrew's biggest challenge after receiving his diagnosis?from

Andrew’s biggest challenge after receiving his diagnosis was educating himself on this disease. His healthcare team embraced his determination to educate himself, which gave him additional confidence in his doctors. Andrew has kept a positive outlook and is self-motivating. One motivating factor he had was retirement; although, he only wanted to semi-retire. He remains an active grandfather to his two young grandsons and helps his daughter by babysitting them. He feels that his multiple myeloma journey has made him a better person in that he is more compassionate and understanding.


Applications or renewals for this condition are currently unavailable. The organizations below may offer funding for this condition.

Copay Assistance Organizations

These sister charities are also dedicated to helping people afford life-changing treatments and medications.

Support Organizations

These organizations do not offer co-pay assistance, but they offer valuable information and support.

What is financial assistance?

Financial assistance. There are many groups and programs that can provide support and assistance throughout your journey. Whether you need a ride to your treatment, financial aid or help understanding your insurance, the lists below offer a range of resources to help.

Does Patti have multiple myeloma?

Patti has smoldering myeloma and had no signs or symptoms of her disease when she was diagnosed. During her annual physical her bloodwork came back abnormal, so her physician ordered further testing. Patti is now in a study where some of the smoldering patients receive Revlimid for treatment and the remaining patients remain under observation without treatment. The test is to see if the medication will help eradicate the smoldering Multiple Myeloma. As a result of the study, Patti now gets blood tests every month and every year she will get a PET scan and bone biopsy to keep an eye on the status of her Multiple Myeloma.

Can you donate to a myeloma patient?

You can help accelerate a cure for each and every myeloma patient. Click to explore ways that you can donate.

What is a cancer housing resource?

A housing resource for cancer patients and their families who must travel away from home for medical treatment. Their mission is to provide people in medical and financial distress with access to free air transportation on small (4-6 seat), private aircraft for distant health care and other compelling human needs.

Does the American Cancer Society provide overnight accommodations?

The American Cancer Society, in a cooperative effort with hotels across the country, provides overnight accommodations to cancer patients who must travel for outpatient treatment and need assistance with lodging.

Does Airbnb help cancer patients?

Through this collaboration, the Airbnb community will provide free housing for cancer patients and caregivers, provided they meet certain geographic and income criteria.

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