patient assistance program survey

by Bernadine Legros Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is a patient support program?

Patient support programs (PSPs) were originally created to support patient access to complex medications and to assist patients with navigating through the complex healthcare system.

What is the Patient Assistance Program (PAP)?

Luckily for him, his medication is covered through the manufacturer’s Patient Assistance Program. Drug manufactures created Patient Assistant Programs, commonly known as PAPs, to provide qualifying patients with free or discounted medications.

What is an example of a patient satisfaction survey?

Two examples of a patient satisfaction survey are, the primary trauma surveywhere the initial assessment and the management of a trauma patient that enters a medical facility or a hospital is conducted.

How many people have been helped by Pfizer’s drug assistance programs?

The program now covers the company’s marketed medicines, and Kempf says, in the past ten years, the company has helped over 4 million patients with access to medications. “Our programs are driven by our corporate value in putting patients first.

Are PAPs Worth It?

What companies offer PAP?

How to learn about PAPs?

What is AstraZeneca's drug called?

How long does it take to get into PAP?

How long does it take to get into Celgene?

How much does cancer cost?

See 2 more


Is patient assistance program legitimate?

Patient assistance programs (PAPs) are usually sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers and are promoted as a safety net for Americans who have no health insurance or are underinsured.

How much does Pharma spend on patient support programs?

According to industry sources, more than 300 drugs have associated patient-assistance programs, and manufacturers spend about $4 billion per year on these programs.

Why is patient support program important?

Patient Support Programs (PSPs) are an umbrella term to describe initiatives led by pharmaceutical companies to improve access, usage, and adherence to prescription drugs. These programs can have a financial component, support clinical investments, focus purely on education, or a combination.

How does a patient support program work?

A patient assistance or support programs (PAPs or PSPs) exist to get you timely access to medication and to help you stay on track of your therapy. Being diagnosed with a complex disease or condition may come with unexpected financial burden and a need to better understand treatment options and next steps.

Why do drug companies offer copay assistance?

As drug costs continue to rise, drug manufacturers have designed ways to reduce the out-of-pocket costs for patients. Manufacturer copay assistance programs help insured patients afford expensive prescription drugs by covering part or all of a member's deductible and copay for certain medications.

What is phreesia life sciences?

About us. Phreesia is the nation's leading patient intake management solution. Our platform integrates with the major PM/EMR systems and telehealth vendors to automate the intake process and improve the patient experience.

Patient Assistance Programs and Types of Assistance - AssistRx

Using the e-support services available in iAssist—the most comprehensive therapy initiation platform—healthcare providers can quickly enroll patients into patient assistance programs with real-time PAP screening and approval.. Using iAssist, your office can electronically and proactively capture required information, screen and receive approval for eligible patients and even generate a PAP ...

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Patient Assistance Program Information | CMS

Pharmaceutical manufacturers may sponsor patient assistance programs (PAPs) that provide financial assistance or drug free product (through in-kind product donations) to low income individuals to augment any existing prescription drug coverage.

What are Patient Assistance Programs?

Patient Assistance Programs (or PAPs) are programs offered by pharmaceutical companies to offer free or reduced-cost medications to low-income, underinsured, or uninsured individuals. Each medication can have its own PAP and eligibility requirements.

What was the 2008 National Diabetes Goal?

2008 National Diabetes Goal and Awareness Survey – Patient Assistance was a 2008 National Diabetes Goal Champion, pledging to do our part to educate Americans about diabetes and raise awareness among individuals about their blood glucose levels.

What is patient satisfaction survey?

What is a Patient Satisfaction Survey? A patient satisfaction survey is a set of questions used to collect feedback from patients to measure their satisfaction with the quality and care of the healthcare service provider. The patient satisfaction survey questionnaire helps adjudge basic metrics across patient care that aid medical institutions in ...

How does timely provision of an appointment affect patients?

The impact that timely provision of an appointment has on patients is incredible because they are sick or suffer from some ailment and therefore, must not be kept waiting. It has a significant impact on patient retention and visiting the same medical facility or doctor again. By including this question in the patient satisfaction survey, you can collect information about the timely assignment of appointments and make improvements in the process to increase contentment amongst patients.

What does it mean to have an external radiology center?

It means that an external radiology center increases the time to diagnosis or taking stock of health improvement. It reduces time to get reports to improve the patient satisfaction level, and the radiology center must work to streamline processes continuously. Extended Medical Care Organizations.

What is feedback in healthcare?

Feedback on the quality of care provided by medical professionals as part of a survey or questionnaire that a patient answers is considered a quality assessment and improvement activity and is part of the health care operations.

How to understand your current staff's caliber?

One of the most important yardstick to understand your current staff’s caliber is to map the number of times a patient received conflicting information from different medical care professionals. It will help put in place a process to disseminate information and conduct on the job training if required.

Why is quick responder important?

Quick responders medical staff are one of the most important medical care providers in the healthcare industry. Timely and effective medical treatment is essential for a patient to be able to make a full recovery. Collecting feedback on each emergency call’s timeliness and effectiveness is important to streamline services and be even more effective.

Why are women skeptical about gynecology?

A lot of women are skeptical about visiting a gynecologist because they are nervous for many reasons. Collecting feedback through a women’s health care survey on how comfortable someone is with visiting or discussing their problem could make it easier to be emphatic and make the patient comfortable.

What is the age of patient consumerism?

The age of patient consumerism is upon us: “Patients are demanding more sophisticated, convenient, transparent, affordable, and personalized service,” according to a PwC consumer survey. With this shift in demand, digital services are the expectation. In fact, “more than 75% of all patients expect to use digital services in the future,” according to a McKinsey & Company report.

How to measure success of patient support?

There are many other relevant measures—such as patient and HCP satisfaction, efficiency of spend, etc.—however, once the HCP has made the decision to start an appropriate patient on a particular therapy, true success must be measured as what percentage of patients end up on that therapy, how long it takes them to get started, and if they are staying adherent to the therapy/regimen.

Why is integrated model important in PSP?

As a manufacturer, it’s important to think about real-world evidence (RWE) and how you can leverage the PSP to generate data insights and inform commercialization strategies . For example, tracking health-based outcomes to inform payer decisions, or reporting trends about a payer who has listed the treatment, are data points from a PSP that can inform a manufacturer’s decisions on the market and impact to the patient’s treatment experience. These insights can lead to more informed strategic decisions that ultimately benefit the patient and improve health outcomes.

Why is mapping the patient's journey important?

It also helps to drive innovation, facilitate behavior change, and ultimately achieve better health outcomes and an improved patient experience. To create an effective visualization of your patient’s interactions, gather insight not only into the patient and carer, but also the HCPs and other stakeholders within their journey, along with their environment and context.

How to measure success of a program?

A program’s success should be measured on the satisfaction of all the stakeholders involved, including patient, healthcare provider, and manufacturer. Patients want their medicine with the least amount of effort necessary and in a timely manner. Healthcare providers want a solution that doesn’t impact them or their staff’s time in treating their patients: It must be simple to use and reliable in assisting patients. This requires an easy way to enroll, track, and verify patients started on therapy. And finally, brands want to build equity with patients by delivering a high level of service for patients, which in turn brings goodwill for their brand and may help drive adherence. The key to ensuring all those are taking place are clear detailed metrics for all touchpoints in the patient journey, which can be used to measure the success and efficiency of the program as well as to diagnose areas where the process can be improved.

What are the challenges of designing a healthcare program?

One of the biggest challenges with designing great programs is the sheer variability of healthcare in the U.S.—in terms of the networks, how care is delivered, and what patients need and want. This makes any “custom solution”—as great as it may be—inherently only applicable to a small slice of the pie. And, it makes designing and rolling out patient-centric programs and services very challenging, given that there is no uniform or common system/data/standard underpinning how patients navigate the U.S. system. When designing programs, this translates into a tension between customization versus operational uniformity/consistency—which means it’s difficult to give lots of meaningful choices and to adapt for various customers, but that’s exactly what HCPs and patients want and need.

What is the purpose of measuring success?

This provides program leadership with targeted, concise dashboards focused on continual improvement of patient outcomes. Creating a data-driven operation focused on the optimization of performance for the metrics above is the key to running a successful patient support program.

How many prescriptions were filled in 2005?

Two out of every three visits to the doctor end with a prescription being written. Nearly 3.4 billion prescriptions were filled in the U.S. in 2005.

What is a RX card?

Together Rx Access is one of the newest prescription savings programs for eligible individuals and families. The Together Rx Access Card was created by 10 pharmaceutical companies to help patients gain access to needed medicines. The card is accepted at most pharmacies and gives patients savings at the pharmacy counter.

Do pharmaceutical companies offer PAPs?

Most pharmaceutical companies voluntarily offer PAPs. It is important for health care providers, patients and caregivers to research and understand the eligibility criteria and application process for specific PAPs as they differ considerably from one program to the next.

Are PAPs Worth It?

For patients struggling to pay for their medications PAPs may be the only option, and the pharmaceutical companies seem committed to providing the service. Kempf says that at AstraZeneca, they are always evaluating patient feedback to see how they can better serve patients, including streamlining the application process.

What companies offer PAP?

While just about every manufacturer has an assistance program, one of the first manufacturers to offer a PAP was AstraZeneca. Company representative Colleen Kempf says, AstraZeneca began offering patient assistance over 40 years ago. The program now covers the company’s marketed medicines, and Kempf says, in the past ten years, the company has helped over 4 million patients with access to medications. “Our programs are driven by our corporate value in putting patients first. We believe that we have a role to play to support patients, and since 2005 have expressed this commitment in a very public way through our advertising.” Their PAP slogan, “If you can’t afford your medications, AstraZeneca may be able to help,” might be familiar to many as it is frequently heard at the end of its television adds and leads patients to its website which is where most PAP information can be found.

How to learn about PAPs?

Miller learned about the Genentech PAP he uses through his doctor who put him in touch with a specialty pharmacy who provided him with a PAP application. Miller says he would not have known about the PAP on his own, but that without it he would “go broke”. He advises other patients to ask their treating physicians about options. “Any doctor prescribing an experimental drug like that will have a relationship with a specialty pharmacy,” he says.

What is AstraZeneca's drug called?

They all vary a bit and have different names, but chances are, your drug’s manufacturer has one. AstraZeneca’s is called AZ&ME. Genentech, the manufacturer of the medication Miller takes for his CLL, calls its program Genentech Access. Celgene refers to its as Patient Support, and Takeda refers to its as Help at Hand.

How long does it take to get into PAP?

Miller says for the Genentech enrollment process, he had to provide his financial information and that the application had two or three pages for his doctor to fill out. Rosenguard says the Celgene application process was extremely simple and that it took about two weeks for him to be accepted into the program.

How long does it take to get into Celgene?

Rosenguard says the Celgene application process was extremely simple and that it took about two weeks for him to be accepted into the program. The best way to know what the enrollment process is for the manufacturer of your medication is to go to the company website.

How much does cancer cost?

Cancer is costly. Each year, it costs $180 billion in health care expenses and loss of productivity, says the American Cancer Society. For individuals, it is the life-saving medications they need that can cost the most. According to, 90 percent of Americans say that cancer drugs are too expensive, and the prices have been steadily ...

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