procrit patient assistance form

by Dr. Louie Baumbach Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

What is Procrit used to treat?

PROCRIT ® is used to reduce or avoid the need for RBC transfusions. Chronic kidney disease in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis. Chemotherapy that will be used for at least 2 months after starting PROCRIT ® . A medicine called zidovudine (AZT) used to treat HIV infection.

Where can I find additional support with Procrit® treatment?

Call a Janssen CarePath Care Coordinator at 800-553-3851 for more information about affordability programs and independent foundations that may have funding available. Janssen CarePath provides the additional support you may need to help you get started with PROCRIT ® treatment, once you and your doctor have decided it is right for you.

When should Procrit be given during chemo?

Initiate PROCRIT ® in patients on cancer chemotherapy only if the hemoglobin is less than 10 g/dL, and if there is a minimum of two additional months of planned chemotherapy. Use the lowest dose of PROCRIT ® necessary to avoid RBC transfusions.

What should I do if anemia and low reticulocyte count develop during Procrit®?

If severe anemia and low reticulocyte count develop during treatment with PROCRIT ® , withhold PROCRIT ® and evaluate patients for neutralizing antibodies to erythropoietin. Contact Janssen Products, LP at 1-800-JANSSEN (1-800-526-7736) to perform assays for binding and neutralizing antibodies.


What is the cost of a PROCRIT shot?

Epogen and Procrit are specialty medications used to treat anemia caused by chronic kidney disease (CKD) or chemotherapy, but they don't come cheap. A 30-day supply of Procrit costs well over $2,000 and prices for Epogen average around $600 per month.

Who manufactures PROCRIT?

Contact Janssen Products, LP at 1-800-JANSSEN (1-800-526-7736) to perform assays for binding and neutralizing antibodies. Permanently discontinue PROCRIT® in patients who develop PRCA following treatment with PROCRIT® or other erythropoietin protein drugs. Do not switch patients to other ESAs.

How long does it take PROCRIT to start working?

It usually takes 2 to 6 weeks before the number of red blood cells increases in your body. Individual results with PROCRIT® may vary. There are many different types of side effects that can occur with PROCRIT®.

How do I bill for PROCRIT injection?

Billing and Coding J0885 (Epoetin Alfa; Epogen, Procrit, 1000 units; non-

Is there an alternative to Procrit?

On May 15, 2018, the Food and Drug Administration approved Retacrit (epoetin alfa-epbx, Hospira Inc., a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc.) as a biosimilar to Epogen/Procrit (epoetin alfa, Amgen Inc.)

Is there a generic for Procrit?

Procrit and Epogen are the trade names for epoetin alfa. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade names Procrit or Epogen when referring to the generic drug name epoetin alfa. Drug Type: Epoetin alfa is a colony stimulating factor.

What is the fastest way to increase red blood cells?

5 nutrients that increase red blood cell countsred meat, such as beef.organ meat, such as kidney and liver.dark, leafy, green vegetables, such as spinach and kale.dried fruits, such as prunes and raisins.beans.legumes.egg yolks.

How long does a PROCRIT shot last?

Your provider may also adjust your dose once every 4 weeks if needed. But as discussed, Procrit treats different types of anemia.

How often should PROCRIT be given?

This medication is given as an injection under the skin or into a vein as directed by your doctor, usually 1 to 3 times a week. Patients getting this medication before surgery may have a special dosing schedule.

Does Medicare cover J0885?

Medicare requires a modifier on the J0885 (either EA or EC depending on the indication) & our MAC carrier requires the reporting of the hemoglobin or hematocrit test result. If you're giving it for anemia caused by chemo and/or the neoplasm then use the EA modifier & list the D64.

What is CPT J9271 used for?

HCPCS code J9271 for Injection, pembrolizumab, 1 mg as maintained by CMS falls under Chemotherapy Drugs.

What is CPT code J0885?

Note: Providers are reminded to refer to the long descriptors of the CPT codes in their CPT book.CodeDescriptionJ0885Epoetin alfa, non-esrdJ0887Epoetin beta esrd useJ0888Epoetin beta non esrdQ4081Epoetin alfa, 100 units esrd4 more rows

Are Epogen and PROCRIT the same?

Epogen and Procrit are the original biologic medications. This means that Retacrit is very similar, but isn't identical. Biosimilars are products with similar structure, function, safety, and effectiveness as biologics, but they are not interchangeable with them.

What is the difference between Aranesp and PROCRIT?

The differences between the two drugs are not limited to molecular structure: While Procrit is measured in units per kilogram of the patient's weight, Aranesp is measured in micrograms per kg. There is currently no formula for direct comparison of dosages measured in units to those measured by weight.

Is PROCRIT the same as erythropoietin?

PROCRIT® is a man–made form of erythropoietin (EPO). PROCRIT® works like EPO — it causes your bone marrow to make more red blood cells. This, in turn, raises your level of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

Is retacrit cheaper than Epogen?

RETACRIT will be introduced at a Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) of $11.03 per 1,000 units/mL, which is 57.1% below the WAC of Procrit (epoetin alfa) [$25.72 per 1,000 units/mL] and 33.5% below the WAC of Epogen (epoetin alfa) [$16.58 per 1,000 units/mL], its reference product.

What is Procrit used for?

WHAT IS PROCRIT ®? PROCRIT ® (epoetin alfa) is used to treat a lower than normal number of red blood cells (anemia) caused by: Chronic kidney disease in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis. Chemotherapy that will be used for at least 2 months after starting PROCRIT ® .

What happens if you stop using Procrit?

Severe skin reactions. Signs and symptoms of severe skin reactions with PROCRIT ® may include: skin rash with itching, blisters, skin sores, peeling, or areas of skin coming off.

What is PRCA in medical terms?

Have been told by your healthcare provider that you have or have ever had a type of anemia called Pure Red Cell Aplasia (PRCA) that starts after treatment with PROCRIT ® or other erythropoietin protein medicines.

Can Procrit cause death?

PROCRIT ® may cause serious side effects that can lead to death, including:

Can Procrit be used for anemia?

PROCRIT ® has not been proven to improve quality of life, fatigue, or well-being. PROCRIT ® should not be used for treatment of anemia: If you have cancer and you will not be receiving chemotherapy that may cause anemia. If you have a cancer that has a high chance of being cured. If your anemia caused by chemotherapy treatment can be managed by RBC ...

How to report side effects of prescription drugs?

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Can you get blood clots while taking Procrit?

Blood Clots. Blood clots may happen at any time while taking PROCRIT ®. If you are receiving PROCRIT ® for any reason and you are going to have surgery, talk to your healthcare provider about whether or not you need to take a blood thinner to lessen the chance of blood clots during or following surgery.

Why is Procrit used?from

PROCRIT ® may also be used to reduce the chance you will need red blood cell transfusions if you are scheduled for certain surgeries where a lot of blood loss is expected.

What to do if you take more than the prescribed dose of Procrit?from

If you take more than the prescribed dose of PROCRIT ®, call your healthcare provider right away .

What is the name of the disease that starts after a procritic treatment?from

Have been told by your healthcare provider that you have or have ever had a type of anemia called pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that starts after treatment with PROCRIT ® or other erythropoietin protein medicines.

What is PRCA in medical terms?from

Have been told by your healthcare provider that you have or have ever had a type of anemia called Pure Red Cell Aplasia (PRCA) that starts after treatment with PROCRIT ® or other erythropoietin protein medicines.

How long after Procrit can you use chemo?from

Chemotherapy that will be used for at least 2 months after starting PROCRIT ®.

How long after procrit can you take zidovudine?from

Chronic kidney disease in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis. Chemotherapy that will be used for at least 2 months after starting PROCRIT ® . A medicine called zidovudine (AZT) used to treat HIV infection.

What happens if you stop using Procrit?from

Severe skin reactions. Signs and symptoms of severe skin reactions with PROCRIT ® may include: skin rash with itching, blisters, skin sores, peeling, or areas of skin coming off.

When to start Procrit?

Initiate PROCRIT ® treatment only when the hemoglobin level is less than 10 g/dL.

How much to reduce Procrit?

If the hemoglobin rises rapidly (e.g. more than 1 g/dL in any 2-week period), reduce the dose of PROCRIT ® by 25% or more as needed to reduce rapid responses.

How much benzyl alcohol is in Procrit?

PROCRIT ® multiple-dose vials contain 11 mg of benzyl alcohol per mL. The minimum amount of benzyl alcohol at which serious adverse reactions may occur is not known.

What causes lack of hemoglobin response to Procrit?

For lack or loss of hemoglobin response to PROCRIT ®, initiate a search for causative factors (e.g., iron deficiency, infection, inflammation, bleeding). If typical causes of lack or loss of hemoglobin response are excluded, evaluate for PRCA. In the absence of PRCA, follow dosing recommendations for management of patients with an insufficient hemoglobin response to PROCRIT ® therapy.

How long to stop Procrit?

Discontinue PROCRIT ® if an increase in hemoglobin is not achieved at a dose of 300 Units/kg for 8 weeks.

When to withhold a RBC?

Withhold dose if hemoglobin exceeds a level needed to avoid RBC transfusion. Reinitiate at a dose 25% below the previous dose when hemoglobin approaches a level where RBC transfusions may be required.

Is Procrit benzyl alcohol?

PROCRIT ® from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in:

How much benzyl alcohol is in Procrit?

PROCRIT ® multiple-dose vials contain 11 mg of benzyl alcohol per mL. The minimum amount of benzyl alcohol at which serious adverse reactions may occur is not known.

Is Procrit a single dose?

PROCRIT ® from multiple-dose vials contains benzyl alcohol and is contraindicated in: Neonates, infants, pregnant women, and lactating women. When therapy with PROCRIT ® is needed in these patient populations, use single-dose vials; do not admix with bacteriostatic saline containing benzyl alcohol.

Does Procrit require heparin?

Patients may require adjustments in their dialysis prescriptions after initiation of PROCRIT ® .Patients receiving PROCRIT ® may require increased anticoagulation with heparin to prevent clotting of the extracorporeal circuit during hemodialysis.

Does Procrit increase seizures?

PROCRIT ® increases the risk of seizures in patients with CKD. During the first several months following initiation of PROCRIT ®, monitor patients closely for premonitory neurologic symptoms. Advise patients to contact their healthcare practitioner for new-onset seizures, premonitory symptoms or change in seizure frequency.

Is Procrit contraindicated for dialysis?

PROCRIT ® is contraindicated in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. Following initiation and titration of PROCRIT ®, approximately 25% of patients on dialysis required initiation of or increases in antihypertensive therapy; hypertensive encephalopathy and seizures have been reported in patients with CKD receiving PROCRIT ®.

Is Procrit a derivative of human blood?

A theoretical risk for transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) also is considered extremely remote. No cases of transmission of viral diseases or CJD have ever been identified for albumin.

Can you mix Procrit with bacteriostatic saline?

In addition, do not mix PROCRIT ® with bacteriostatic saline (which also contains benzyl alcohol) when administering PROCRIT ® to these patient populations.

What to do if you take more than the prescribed dose of Procrit?

If you take more than the prescribed dose of PROCRIT ®, call your healthcare provider right away .

What is the name of the disease that starts after a procritic treatment?

Have been told by your healthcare provider that you have or have ever had a type of anemia called pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) that starts after treatment with PROCRIT ® or other erythropoietin protein medicines.

What are the symptoms of a procrit reaction?

Signs and symptoms of severe skin reactions with PROCRIT ® may include: skin rash with itching, blisters, skin sores, peeling, or areas of skin coming off. If you have any signs or symptoms of a severe skin reaction, stop using PROCRIT ® and call your healthcare provider or get medical help right away.

Does Procrit pass into breast milk?

Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if PROCRIT ® passes into breast milk.

Can Procrit harm a baby?

Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if PROCRIT ® may harm your unborn baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about possible pregnancy and birth control choices that are right for you.

Can you get blood clots while taking Procrit?

Blood Clots. Blood clots may happen at any time while taking PROCRIT ®. If you are receiving PROCRIT ® for any reason and you are going to have surgery, talk to your healthcare provider about whether or not you need to take a blood thinner to lessen the chance of blood clots during or following surgery. Blood clots can form in blood vessels (veins), especially in your leg (deep venous thrombosis or DVT). Pieces of a blood clot may travel to the lungs and block the blood circulation in the lungs (pulmonary embolus).

Does Procrit help with heart problems?

Serious heart problems, such as heart attack or heart failure, and stroke. You may die sooner if you are treated with PROCRIT ® to increase red blood cells (RBCs) to near the same level found in healthy people.

Why is Procrit used?

PROCRIT ® may also be used to reduce the chance you will need red blood cell transfusions if you are scheduled for certain surgeries where a lot of blood loss is expected.

What is the name of the disease that starts after a procritic treatment?

Have been told by your healthcare provider that you have or have ever had a type of anemia called Pure Red Cell Aplasia (PRCA) that starts after treatment with PROCRIT ® or other erythropoietin protein medicines.

What are the symptoms of a procrit reaction?

Signs and symptoms of severe skin reactions with PROCRIT ® may include: skin rash with itching, blisters, skin sores, peeling, or areas of skin coming off. If you have any signs or symptoms of a severe skin reaction, stop using PROCRIT ® and call your healthcare provider or get medical help right away.

Does Procrit pass into breast milk?

Are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed. It is not known if PROCRIT ® passes into breast milk.

Can Procrit harm a baby?

Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if PROCRIT ® may harm your unborn baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about possible pregnancy and birth control choices that are right for you.

Can you get blood clots while taking Procrit?

Blood Clots. Blood clots may happen at any time while taking PROCRIT ®. If you are receiving PROCRIT ® for any reason and you are going to have surgery, talk to your healthcare provider about whether or not you need to take a blood thinner to lessen the chance of blood clots during or following surgery. Blood clots can form in blood vessels (veins), especially in your leg (deep venous thrombosis or DVT). Pieces of a blood clot may travel to the lungs and block the blood circulation in the lungs (pulmonary embolus).

Does Procrit help with heart problems?

Serious heart problems, such as heart attack or heart failure, and stroke. You may die sooner if you are treated with PROCRIT ® to increase red blood cells (RBCs) to near the same level found in healthy people.

Why is Procrit used?

PROCRIT ® may also be used to reduce the chance you will need red blood cell transfusions if you are scheduled for certain surgeries where a lot of blood loss is expected.

What is the name of the disease that starts after a procritic treatment?

Have been told by your healthcare provider that you have or have ever had a type of anemia called Pure Red Cell Aplasia (PRCA) that starts after treatment with PROCRIT ® or other erythropoietin protein medicines.

How long after procrit can you take zidovudine?

Chronic kidney disease in patients on dialysis and not on dialysis. Chemotherapy that will be used for at least 2 months after starting PROCRIT ® . A medicine called zidovudine (AZT) used to treat HIV infection.

What happens if you stop using Procrit?

Severe skin reactions. Signs and symptoms of severe skin reactions with PROCRIT ® may include: skin rash with itching, blisters, skin sores, peeling, or areas of skin coming off.

Does Procrit help with heart problems?

Serious heart problems, such as heart attack or heart failure, and stroke. You may die sooner if you are treated with PROCRIT ® to increase red blood cells (RBCs) to near the same level found in healthy people.

Can Procrit cause death?

PROCRIT ® may cause serious side effects that can lead to death, including:

How to report side effects of prescription drugs?

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

How old was the patient eligible for PAD?from

Eligible patients were at least 50 years old and had documented symptomatic lower-extremity PAD. Patients were eligible after a successful revascularization for symptomatic PAD within the last 10 days. Approximately two-thirds were treated with an endovascular procedure (65%) and one-third treated surgically (35%). Patients were excluded if they were clinically unstable, at heightened bleeding risk, or needed prohibited concomitant medications, including long-term clopidogrel. The median age was 67 years and 26% were women. Common risk factors for PAD included diabetes, an estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (indicating mild-to-moderate kidney disease) and current smokers.

How is Xarelto administered?from

For both potential indications, XARELTO ® would be dosed based on body weight, either with an oral suspension formulation or tablets. The oral suspension formulation would be administered through a unique color-coded dosing device that was designed to help minimize dosing errors.

What is Xarelto 2021?from

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use of XARELTO ® (rivaroxaban) in pediatric patients. The NDA seeks two pediatric indications: treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE, or blood clots) and reduction in the risk of recurrent VTE in patients aged birth to less than 18 years of age after at least five days of initial parenteral anticoagulant treatment; and thromboprophylaxis (prevention of blood clots) in patients aged 2 years and older with congenital heart disease who have undergone the Fontan procedure. If approved, XARELTO ® will be the first and only oral Factor Xa inhibitor indicated in the U.S. for use in pediatric patients.

How long does Xarelto need to be stopped?from

XARELTO ® may need to be stopped for one or more days before any surgery or medical or dental procedure. Your doctor will tell you when to stop taking XARELTO ® and when to start taking XARELTO ® again after your surgery or procedure.

What to do if you miss Xarelto?from

If you miss a dose of XARELTO ®, take it as soon as you remember on the same day. Take your next dose at your regularly scheduled time.

How many times a day can you take Xarelto?from

Ø If you take the 15-mg dose of XARELTO® 2 times a day (a total of 30 mg of XARELTO® in 1 day): Take XARELTO ® as soon as you remember on the same day. You may take 2 doses at the same time to make up for the missed dose. Take your next dose at your regularly scheduled time.

How to contact Harborpath?from

or Call 1-800-652-6227. to have one mailed or faxed to you. If you’re taking HIV medications that aren’t covered by this program, please go to the HarborPath website to access the HarborPath Patient Application.


Important Note

  • The following information is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. Consult your healthcare professional before using this drug. EPOETIN ALFA - INJECT...
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  • This medication stimulates the body to make red blood cells. It is used in the treatment of various anemia conditions.
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How to Use

  • This medication is given as an injection usually one to three times a week. It is important that blood tests be done frequently to check effectiveness of the medication and determine the correct dose.
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Side Effects

  • This medication is generally well tolerated. Headache, nausea, muscle aches, diarrhea and cough may occur. Inform your doctor if these symptoms persist or worsen. Notify your doctor immediately if you develop any of the following while taking this medication: rapid heartbeat, irritation at the injection site. Rarely, this medication can lose its effectiveness after a period of ti…
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  • Tell your doctor your medical history, especially: blood disorders, heart problems, high blood pressure, seizure disorders, kidney problems, blood vessel problems, any allergies. A preservative (benzyl alcohol) which may be found in this product or in the liquid used to mix this product (diluent) can infrequently cause serious problems (sometimes death) if given by injection to an i…
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Drug Interactions

  • Tell your doctor of all medication you may use (both prescription and nonprescription), especially: high blood pressure medicine, heparin, desmopressin, probenecid, iron supplements (vitamins). Do not start or stop any medicine without doctor or pharmacist approval.
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  • It is important to follow recommended dietary guidelines while taking this medication. Eating foods rich in iron may be recommended. Such foods include raisins, figs, meat, eggs, vegetables, iron-fortified cereals.
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Missed Dose

  • Take any missed dose as soon as possible but not if it is almost time for the next dose. If it is time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your regular schedule. Do not "double-up" the dose.
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Medical Alert

  • Your condition can cause complications in a medical emergency. For enrollment information call MedicAlert at 1-800-854-1166 (USA), or 1-800-668-1507 (Canada).
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