reach patient assistance program

by Milton Kuhlman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How does RX outreach work?

The prices are transparent and it saves us time not to have to worry about discount codes, pharmacy cards, or complicated paperwork Rx Outreach provides our patients with much-needed medications at discounted prices and the medication gets shipped directly to the patient’s home.

How much money has RX outreach saved you on prescription drugs?

Since 2010, we have saved our patients more than $822 million in prescription medication costs. Rx Outreach provides our patients with much-needed medications at discounted prices and the medication gets shipped directly to the patient’s home.

Why did patient assist VI join Rx outreach?

Following [Hurricanes Irma and Maria], Patient Assist VI joined the Preferred Clinic program so we could help more people who had lost their jobs and insurance and who were desperate to find free or affordable medication. We love Rx Outreach because it is so easy to use.

Why Alembic for RX outreach?

The mission statement specifically struck a chord in my heart, knowing that Rx Outreach wants to provide medications to all Rx Outreach provided a great avenue for Alembic to be able to help patients that are truly in need of affordable medications. We are blessed to be able to help in some way […]



Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals was founded by Friedrich Bayer and Johann Friedrich Weskott in Barmen, Germany, 1863. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals developed Aspirin, one of the most common and widely used drugs to date, along with several other's over the last century.


REACH (Resources for Expert Assistance and Care Helpline) , a patient assistance program provided byBayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, offers the medications listed to the right at no cost for up to 6 months to those who are eligible for the program. Eligibility is based off of the following requirements:

Other Tips

If you have any questions please call the Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals program directly.

What is RX Outreach?

Rx Outreach provides our patients with much-needed medications at discounted prices and the medication gets shipped directly to the patient’s home. Our patients are grateful for this service as many face financial struggles and cannot afford gas money to drive to the pharmacy monthly for refills. Our partnership with Rx Outreach is not only essential to our clinic but also a blessing to our patients

Why is RX Outreach important?

At Rx Outreach, we believe that everyone deserves access to affordable medications. No one should ever have to choose between filling a prescription and feeding their family. That’s why Rx Outreach exists. Since 2010, we have saved our patients more than $822 million in prescription medication costs.

What does RX Outreach want to understand?

It really feels like Rx Outreach wants to understand our clinics and their operations and how they can get their great resources at Rx Outreach to the patients… You guys are always there, and we all know that access to medications is critical”

Why did Patient Assist VI join the preferred clinic?

Following [Hurricanes Irma and Maria], Patient Assist VI joined the Preferred Clinic program so we could help more people who had lost their jobs and insurance and who were desperate to find free or affordable medication. We love Rx Outreach because it is so easy to use. The prices are transparent and it saves us time not to have to worry about discount codes, pharmacy cards, or complicated paperwork

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