techniques for safe patient assistance

by Maia Feil Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Safe Patient Handling Techniques and 6 More Ways to Avoid Nursing Injuries

  • Encourage patients to wear adaptive clothes. Adaptive clothing and footwear allows patients with little-to-no mobility to get dressed with safety and comfort. ...
  • Buy non-slip shoes. ...
  • Use a gait belt to move patients manually. ...
  • Lift using correct form. ...
  • Learn how to operate assistive devices. ...
  • Stay in shape. ...
  • Consider a change in pace. ...

Full Answer

Where can I find safe patient handling resources?

Safe Patient Handling Tools and Resources. OSHA has developed a series of online resources to help hospitals develop and implement safe patient handling assessments, policies, procedures, programs, training, and patient education. Beyond Getting Started: A Resource Guide for Implementing a Safe Patient Handling Program in the Acute Care Setting.

What are the benefits of safe patient handling practices?

In addition, implementing safe patient handling practices will reduce a healthcare facility's financial burden with regard to patient claims and workers' compensation claims. Safe patient handling programs frequently are initiated by or become the responsibility of healthcare providers themselves.

Should we eliminate manual lifting in safe patient handling programs?

Instead, NIOSH shares in the consensus among patient handling professionals that the goal of safe patient handling programs should be to eliminate all manual lifting whenever possible. 1 BLS Table R8.

Can technology make patient handling and movement safe?

Given the increasingly hazardous biomechanical demands on caregivers today, it is clear the healthcare industry must rely on technology to make patient handling and movement safe.


What are the 4 steps to safely lifting patients?

4 tips to safely lift patientsEMS is in the moving business. Four tips for safer lifting and moving of EMS patients. ( ... How much weight is safe to lift? ... 4 tips for safer patient lifting. ... Stop lifting from the floor. ... Use handles for lateral transfers. ... Work together to safely lift patients. ... Slow down, ensure safety.

How do you ensure safe patient care?

5 Factors that can help improve patient safety in hospitalsUse monitoring technology. ... Make sure patients understand their treatment. ... Verify all medical procedures. ... Follow proper handwashing procedures. ... Promote a team atmosphere.

What are the key principles of safe patient handling?

8 Principles for Safe Patient Handling, MobilityEstablish a culture of safety.Create a sustainable program.Incorporate ergonomic design principles.Develop a technology plan.Educate and train healthcare workers.Assess patients to plan care for their individual needs.More items...•

How do you teach safe patient handling?

Training Program TipsMake sure that relevant workers are trained on using mechanical lift equipment. Caregivers should feel comfortable using the equipment.Require ongoing training. ... Consider mentors and coaches. ... Train caregivers to check each patient's mobility every time. ... Engage patients and their families.

How nurses can improve patient safety?

Educating patients on their post-discharge care is a simple, yet effective, example of how nurses can improve patient safety. By working with patients to ensure they have a thorough understanding of their medical condition and self-care routine before they are discharged, nurses help facilitate a smooth recovery.

How would you provide a safe and positive experience for a patient?

How to Personalise a Safe and Positive Experience for PatientsImprove Communication by Keeping It Clear and Simple.Promote Independence and Self-Service.Request Surveys and Implement Feedback.Keeping Patients Entertained and Connected With Their Families.

What are the 5 key principles of manual handling?

The 5 P's or 5 Manual Handling Principles to avoid injury that we refer to are summarised as follows;Plan – plan your lift adequately.Position – centre the body & feet correctly.Pick – lift item using good posture.Proceed – move toward desired location.Place – set object down safely.

What are the 4 key areas of manual handling?

the nature of the task itself; 2. the weight and type of load being moved; 3. the ability of the individual person carrying out the task; 4. the environment in which the activity is being carried out.

What are the 8 steps of manual handling?

Tips to ensure safer lifting & handlingAssess what needs to be done. ... Decide what can be lifted safely. ... Identify ways of reducing the risk. ... Re-arrange the task. ... Assess the nature of the load. ... Assess the work environment. ... Plan how employees will do the tasks in advance. ... Use safe lifting techniques.

What is safe handling training?

The Safe Moving and Handling qualification is designed for people who perform manual handling tasks as part of their daily job role, and meets the legal requirements placed on employers to provide adequate manual handling training to their employees.

Why is safe patient handling important for nurses as well as patients?

Evidence-based research has shown that safe patient handling interventions can significantly reduce overexertion injuries by replacing manual patient handling with safer methods guided by the principles of “Ergonomics.” Ergonomics refers to the design of work tasks to best suit the capabilities of workers.

What are the primary factors that influence safe patient lifting policies and practices?

According to safe handling practices, staff shortage, poor handling techniques, repetitive tasks, and lack of time are all personnel factors.

How do you ensure patient cares remains at the forefront?

5 Key Principles & Practice Areas.PUT PATIENTS FIRST – it's all about them, not you. ... MANAGE your MOODS – don't infect others with bad feelings. ... CONNECTING COSTS NOTHING – talk with heart. ... WATCH WHAT YOU SAY – courtesy and consideration count. ... CRANK UP YOUR CARE FACTOR – compassion is not an optional extra.

Why is it important to keep patients safe?

Patient safety programs help minimize preventable infections or injuries. Medical teams that have strict facility sterilization and sanitization policies may see lower rates of patient infections, including pneumonia or surgical site infections.

How do you implement patient centered care?

Results1) Leadership. Leadership commitment to creating a PCC organization was critical to transforming care. ... 2) Patient and family engagement. ... 3) Staff engagement. ... 4) Focus on PCC innovations. ... 5) Alignment of staff roles and priorities. ... 6) Organizational structures and processes. ... 7) Environment of care.

What is quality and patient safety?

Quality has been defined by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) as “doing the right thing at the right time for the right person and having the best possible result.” Patient safety is simply defined by the World Health Organization as “the prevention of errors and adverse effects to patients ...

Patient Handling Ergonomics

Occupational safety and health programs have fostered research to identify injury risk factors and safety interventions to prevent injuries during...

Patient Handling and The Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation (Rnle)

One question that has been raised about patient handling is, “How much weight can be safely lifted without using assistive equipment?” When it come...

“Limited Guidance” – Not “Niosh Policy:” Caution Regarding The 35 Lb. Limit

When Dr. Waters derived 35 lb. as the maximum acceptable weight for manual patient handling, his calculation assumed the most ideal, low-risk situa...

This Web Page Contains Links to Multiple Resources For Further Information on Safe Patient Handling

NIOSH Health Care and Social Assistance Program( (HCSA) and the National Occupational Research Agenda(http...

NIOSH Blogs About Safe Patient Handling

Prevention of Back Injuries in Healthcare SettingsStrains, Sprains and Pains in Home Healthcare: Working in an Uncontrolled Environment

NIOSH Occupational Health Safety Network (OHSN)

The OHSN( is a secure electronic surveillance system designed to promote analysis and benchmarking of existi...

National Safe Patient Handling Standards

One of the goals established by the NORA Healthcare and Social Assistance (HCSA) Sector Council was for organizations to establish national standar...

Safe Patient Handling Program Implementation: Free Tools and Resources from The Veterans Health Administration (VHA)

The VHA provides toolkits that contain comprehensive information related to developing and maintaining safe patient handling programs. These toolki...

Safe Patient Handling Legislation in The USA

Safe patient handling legislation has been introduced in numerous states and at the federal level.At the state level, the following safe patient ha...

Why do we use mechanical equipment in patient handling?

In the case of patient handling, it involves the use of mechanical equipment and safety procedures to lift and move patients so that health care workers can avoid using manual exertions and thereby reduce their risk of injury.

What is a VHA toolkit?

The VHA provides toolkits that contain comprehensive information related to developing and maintaining safe patient handling programs. These toolkits#N#external icon#N#include guidance and templates that are being used in VHA hospitals for patient assessment, equipment selection, policy development, program coordination and management, training, and program assessment. They also include algorithms that can be used to maximize safety while handling and mobilizing all patients, with extra guidance specific to “patients of size,” i.e., “bariatric” patients. Easy access to the algorithms and other tools is now available on a free mobile app#N#external icon#N#.

How does ergonomics help with overexertion?

Occupational safety and health programs have fostered research to identify injury risk factors and safety interventions to prevent injuries during patient handling. Evidence-based research has shown that safe patient handling interventions can significantly reduce overexertion injuries by replacing manual patient handling with safer methods guided by the principles of “Ergonomics.” Ergonomics refers to the design of work tasks to best suit the capabilities of workers. In the case of patient handling, it involves the use of mechanical equipment and safety procedures to lift and move patients so that health care workers can avoid using manual exertions and thereby reduce their risk of injury. At the same time, patient handling ergonomics seeks to maximize the safety and comfort of patients during handling.

What is the goal of the NORA HCSA?

One of the goals established by the NORA Healthcare and Social Assistance (HCSA) Sector Council was for organizations to establish national standards to guide a reduction in musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare workers. The American Nurses Association (ANA) facilitated this effort with several Council members and other interprofessional national subject matter experts, reaching across the continuum of care. On June 26, 2013, ANA released Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Inter-professional National Standards#N#external icon#N#. For more information about the NORA HCSA Sector Council’s involvement in this and other activities, contact the NORA coordinator at [email protected].

How much weight can you lift with assistive equipment?

However, the guidance provided along with the algorithms advises that the 35 lb. limit is not, by itself, sufficiently protective under all circumstances. As explained below, assistive devices are still needed in most situations, even when the weight to be lifted is less than 35 lb.

Is RNLE safe for lifting?

The RNLE is not intended to be used for determining safe weight limits when lifting people. 2 The shape and size of the human body differ from person to person, and patient handling situations are often complicated by many other factors such as the potential for unpredictable movements, the patient’s medical condition, and so on. Since the equation was designed to be used for more stable and predictable lifting tasks, it is generally considered to be impractical for patient handling tasks.

What to do if you have been hospitalized in another hospital?

Be a safe patient in the hospital. Tell your doctors if you have been hospitalized in another facility, have recently received health care outside of the United States, or have recently had an infection.

How to prevent germs from spreading?

Protect yourself and your family from harmful germs that can cause infections. Keep your hands clean. Regular hand cleaning is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent spreading germs. Take antibiotics only when your provider thinks you need them. Ask if your antibiotic is necessary.

How can germs be spread in healthcare?

These germs can be spread in healthcare settings from patient to patient on unclean hands of healthcare personnel or through the improper use or reuse of equipment. These infections are not limited to hospitals.

How to prevent infection after surgery?

Also, ask how you can prepare for surgery to reduce your infection risk. Keep your hands clean. Make sure everyone cleans their hands before touching you. Remind healthcare personnel and your visitors to clean their hands.

What is the HAI in healthcare?

Time in the hospital can put you at risk for a healthcare-associated infection (HAI), such as a blood, surgical site, or urinary tract infection. Every day, patients get infections in healthcare facilities while they are being treated for something else. These infections can have devastating emotional, financial, and medical effects.

Why is it important to allow a disinfector to clean your room?

Allowing them to clean and disinfect your room helps keep you safe by reducing your risk of developing an infection —don’t say, “come back later.”

What to do if you need antibiotics?

If you do need antibiotics, take them exactly as they’re prescribed. Watch for signs of infection and its complications, like sepsis. Get care right away—don’t delay. Tell your doctor if you think you have an infection, or if your infection is not getting better or is getting worse.

How to lift a patient?

This positioning provides the best mechanical advantage for lifting. Some patients may be wearing bathrobes or hospital gowns. Loose clothing inhibits the clinician’s ability to hold a patient securely. One solution is to place a transfer belt around the patient’s waist. Transfer belts are usually made of webbing or muslin and can provide a good grip with minimal trauma to the patient. Taking a transfer belt is a good practice when planning to perform transfers. When lifting patients, keep the back stationary and let the legs do all of the liftingand avoid any twisting.

How to maintain stability in a patient?

Establish a wide base of support for your stability. Hold the patient’s center of gravity close to your own center of gravity for a better mechanical advantage. Hold the patient with a transfer belt around the patient’s waist to minimize stress on the patient’s shoulder girdle. Lift the patient with your legs.

How to help a patient with a brain transfer?

If signs occur, slow the speed of the transfer and ask the patient to take slow, deep breaths. Provide additional verbal and physical assistance as needed .

Why do you put a transfer belt around the patient's waist?

Hold the patient with a transfer belt around the patient’s waist to minimize stress on the patient’s shoulder girdle.

When lifting a patient, should the technologist stand with feet apart?

When lifting a patient, the technologist should stand with feet apart to increase the base of support. The patient’s center of gravity (S-2) should be held close to the clinician’s center of gravity (S-2). This positioning provides the best mechanical advantage for lifting.

When performing a transfer, let patients do as much of the work as possible?

When performing a transfer, let patients do as much of the work as possible ( Box 13-1 ). Before attempting a transfer, always ask patients whether they can move independently. Patients often can transfer on their own or with minimal assistance. If assistance is required, let the patient help. This approach minimizes trauma to the patient and avoids stress on the clinician. In addition, this approach enhances rapport and mutual respect between the patient and the technologist.

Is it safe to move heavy objects?

Moving heavy objects is relatively easy and safe if the object is held close to the mover’s center of gravity. Stability can be achieved when a body’s center of gravity is over its base of support ( Fig. 13-3, A ). Instability results when the center of gravity moves beyond the boundaries of the base (see Fig. 13-3, B ).

How to get a patient to grasp a wheelchair?

Once the patient is standing, have them walk a few small steps backward until feeling the wheelchair’s back against the legs. Ask the patient to grasp the wheelchair.

How to stretch a patient in a hospital bed?

Bring the stretcher to the side of the bed near the patient and position the stretcher slightly lower than the bed. Lock the brakes of the stretch er.

What is patient transfer?

Patient care transfer can be defined as moving a patient from one flat surface to another. The most common patient transfers are from a bed to a stretcher and from a bed to a wheelchair. While seemingly intuitive, successful patient transfers rely on understanding each patient’s specific needs while simultaneously adhering to evidence-based guidelines. Patient care transfer can also be defined as transferring patients within the same facility and between facilities.[1][2]

How to sit patient on side of bed?

Sit patient on the side of the bed with the legs off of the bed and the feet squarely on the floor. If necessary, attach a gait belt/walking belt around the patient’s waist.

What does the provider do at the head and foot of the bed?

Meanwhile, the providers at the head and foot of the bed will ensure that the patient is secured, lifting the head/shoulders and feet, respectively.

How to transfer a patient from a bed to a wheelchair?

If the patient can bear weight on both lower extremities and predictably take small steps, a one-person assist may be performed. If these criteria are not met, a two-person transfer or a mechanical lift may be necessary to safely transfer the patient. If transferring a patient from a bed to a wheelchair, first complete the pre-transfer checklist and proceed according to the following steps:

How to remove slide board from patient?

Remove the slide board from underneath the patient by rolling the patient over to the side opposite the bed. Make sure the patient is comfortable and covered with sheets.

How to minimize the severity of a transfer?

To minimize the severity, have the patient stand slowly and talk during the transfer. Ask patients open questions. For ex: how are you feeling? or Where are you coming from? The questions don't matter just the answers.

What to ask before attempting a transfer?

Before attempting a transfer, always ask patients whether they can move independently.

How to make wheelchair wheels not obstruct patient movement?

Be sure the wheelchair wheels are locked and that the footrests are removed or folded away so they do not obstruct patient movement.

What is the purpose of a transfer?

The purpose of a transfer is to safely get a patient from one place to another.

How many types of wheelchair transfers are there?

There are 4 types of wheelchair transfers. What are they?

What is the purpose of items clipped to the body?

Items clipped, fastened, or affixed to patients' bodies to deliver substances, such as oxygen, medications, hydration, or nutrition, or drain away substances , such as post surgical fluids or urine. Care must be taken when moving or positioning patients with these attachments. Neither the patient nor the clinician should get injured during this activity. The equipment should also survive intact without damage or functional impairment.

What is the foundation on which a body rests or stands?

Foundation on which a body rests or stands; when people stand, their feet and the space between the feet defines the base of support.

Where to place supporting hand?

Place one supporting hand on the lateral shoulder (between shoulder and bed) and other at hip or back of knees while you assist them in an upright sitting position.

What to do if you pull out an IV tube?

If you pull out an IV or NG tube, you will have a bad day. Move surfaces as close as possible and minimize the gaps. Adjust the height of the surface (e.g., bed) to your benefit (match the height to the body mechanics of the shorter person participating in the transfer).

What to keep in mind when lifting?

ALWAYS keep in mind your safety and the safety of your client when lifting.

How to do a splint transfer?

Plan – plan ahead with your client how you will perform the transfer. Pivot – pivot your legs, do NOT twist or rotate your spine or back. Apart – keep your feet shoulder-width apart for increased back support. Stomach (suck it in) – increase your inner abdominal pressure to serve as a splint to your spine.

What is transfer in OT?

Transferring is the client’s movement from one surface to another. The process involves the pre-transfer, transfer, and post-transfer. As the client has some physical or cognitive limitations, they require the physical assistance, cues, or supervision of the OT, caregiver, or staff. As each client, OT, their strengths/weaknesses, environment, and situation are different, each transfer must be adapted to fit the client’s needs.

Can you simulate a hospital bed at home?

If a hospital bed will not be available at home, the client should be trained to simulate their bed height at home or resources should be provided to them to modify their bed or overcome this barrier. To make getting into higher beds easier, a flat wooden platform can be installed or a commercial bed rail can be purchased.

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