macular degeneration patient assistance

by Lavonne Kassulke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Caring for Someone with Macular Degeneration

  • 1. Find a Low-Vision Specialist Trained in the management of patients with visual impairments, a low-vision specialist is a licensed optometrist who evaluates the degree of vision loss. ...
  • 2. Learn about Macular Degeneration ...
  • 3. Be Watchful ...
  • 4. Make Home Adjustments ...
  • 5. Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle ...

Visit patient assistance program. The Chronic Disease Fund (CDF) ( provides assistance with co-pays/co-insurance for treatment associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and RVO. (877) 968-7233.

Full Answer

What can I do to stop macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration prevention

  1. Stop smoking. Probably the number one way to prevent AMD is to stop smoking or not smoke in the first place. ...
  2. Eat plenty of greens to prevent AMD. Eating plenty of dark, leafy greens may help with macular degeneration prevention. ...
  3. Take a daily multivitamin supplement. ...
  4. Consider an AREDS nutritional supplement. ...
  5. Eat more fish. ...

More items...

How do you deal with macular degeneration?

Some types of macular degeneration can be treated with certain injections into the eye, with photodynamic therapy, or with laser surgery. While none of these treatments will cure the disease, it is comforting to know that each may slow the rate of further vision loss. Macular degeneration usually causes a slow, painless loss of vision.

Is it possible to cure macular degeneration?

Yes, it is possible to cure Macular Degeneration and a very high number of patients have reported positive effects to its Ayurvedic treatment. However, it requires treatment at an early stage and offers result only when the retina is not fully damaged.

What you should know about macular degeneration?

Still, there are some known risk factors for this condition:

  • High grade myopia. Any prescription strength higher than -6.0 is considered high grade, and people with a prescription strength over -10.0 are at an even higher risk.
  • Family. Both high grade myopia and MMD often run in families, and pathological myopia may sometimes be diagnosed in children.
  • Ethnicity. MMD is more commonly seen in Asia. ...


What help is available for macular degeneration?

There's currently no treatment for early AMD, so your eye doctor will probably just keep track of how your eyes are doing with regular eye exams. Eating healthy, getting regular exercise, and quitting smoking can also help.

Can you still work with macular degeneration?

Vision loss can make some tasks more challenging—a potential issue even if you're self-employed. But despite the challenges, many people with macular degeneration keep working, enjoying the income and camaraderie that come with having a job or a business.

Is Good Days assistance program legitimate?

Good Days is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and meets all standards and regulations governing the healthcare industry.

Is there any hope for wet macular degeneration?

The condition may be present in two forms, including wet AMD and dry AMD. There is currently no cure for AMD, and no treatment available for the dry form of the disease (other than preventative measures).

What aggravates macular degeneration?

AMD can result in severe loss of central vision, but people rarely go blind from it. Risk factors for AMD include being 50 and older, smoking, having high blood pressure and eating a diet high in saturated fat.

How do you prevent macular degeneration from getting worse?

Even after receiving a diagnosis of dry macular degeneration, you can take steps that may help slow vision loss.Don't smoke. If you smoke, ask your doctor for help to quit.Choose a healthy diet. ... Manage your other medical conditions. ... Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly. ... Have routine eye exams.

What is good days insurance?

Good Days is a national non-profit charitable organization that lifts the burdens of chronic illness through assistance, advocacy, and awareness. of every dollar raised goes to patients. Millions go without life-changing treatments, simply because of cost.

What is the new drug for macular degeneration?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new drug for treating two conditions that cause vision loss. The drug Vabysmo (faricimab-svoa) treats wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular edema (DME), two of the leading causes of vision loss.

How long does it take for macular degeneration to cause blindness?

How Long Does it Take to Lose Vision with Macular Degeneration? In late stages of AMD, you may have difficulty seeing clearly. On average, it takes about 10 years to move from diagnosis to legal blindness, but there are some forms of macular degeneration that can cause sight loss in just days.

How long can you have injections for wet macular degeneration?

Your doctor injects these medications into the affected eye. You may need injections every four to six weeks to maintain the beneficial effect of the medication.

Is macular degeneration classed as a disability?

Generally speaking, to qualify for disability benefits, you will need to show medical evidence that your macular degeneration is severe enough that you cannot reasonably be expected to continue working in any field for which you are qualified.

How does macular degeneration affect daily life?

AMD negatively affects tasks including mobility, face recognition, perception of scenes, computer use, meal preparation, shopping, cleaning, watching TV, reading, driving and, in some cases, self-care. There is evidence for higher rates of depression among people with AMD than among community dwelling elderly.

Can you live a normal life with macular degeneration?

Fortunately, most patients with AMD can keep good vision for their entire lives, and even those who lose their central vision almost always maintain their side, or “peripheral” vision.

Can macular degeneration affect balance?

Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) experience a large scotoma precluding central vision. In addition, 2/3 of these patients present visuomotor and balance deficits resulting in clumsiness and increased risk of falls.

How to treat macular degeneration?

Some types of macular degeneration can be treated with certain injections into the eye, with photodynamic therapy, or with laser surgery. While none of these treatments will cure the disease it is comforting to know that each may slow the rate of further vision loss.

How old do you have to be to get an AMD eye exam?

Each February, Americans over the age of 60 are encouraged to learn the warning signs of AMD and schedule an annual dilated eye exam. Eye doctors throughout the country try to suggest tools and resources that can help their AMD patients live a more independent life.

What are the things that affect vision loss?

Important aspects of life that are impacted include driving, reading, and conducting fine motor tasks that require a full range of vision, such as sewing and using tools.

Can macular degeneration cause vision loss?

Macular degeneration usually causes a slow, painless loss of vision. In some cases, however, vision loss can be sudden. Early signs of vision loss from AMD include shadowy areas in central vision or unusually fuzzy or distorted vision.

Can you be legally blind with AMD?

Dry AMD usually takes a long time to progress, while wet AMD can cause vision loss to happen more quickly. In some cases, you may not notice a change in vision, and in some cases, it may be severe enough for you to be legally blind. 5

Can you restore your vision?

Although your vision loss cannot be restored , your doctor will help you find ways to adjust and function better with your remaining vision. Your eye doctor will ask you about any physical limitations you are experiencing, then prescribe optical devices to help you.

Can macular degeneration be treated?

While no cure exists for macular degeneration at this time, some treatments are available that may delay its progression or sometimes even improve vision. Your healthcare provider may suggest taking a multivitamin, which may help prevent its progression to the wet, more severe form. 1

What is the number to call for macular degeneration? Please call 1-800-437-2423 to order a print copy.

What is the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center?

National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. Offers transportation options for older adults to support their ability to live independently in their homes and communities throughout the United States. 1-866-983-3222.

What is the name of the company that prints audio materials for the blind?

Print and Audio Materials for the Visually Impaired. American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. Offers hundreds of products designed for people of all ages who are blind and visually impaired. 1-800-223-1839.

Program Status

We encourage you to apply for assistance; see the qualifications below.


We encourage you to apply for assistance; see the qualifications below.

What are the newest low vision aids?

The newest types of low-vision aids are e-readers, smartphones and tablets. You can adjust the font (the print) size. And, you may be able to change the contrast on web pages or books you're reading. Some devices can read passages out loud for you. There are also apps you can get for some smartphones and tablets. They can magnify objects. Some can read the denomination of paper money. Others can do a vision check you can send off to your eye doctor.

What is the best way to help people with low vision?

4. Video Magnifiers . Closed-circuit television is often used as a visual aid for people with low vision. A camera and a television screen can be adapted to magnify pictures, print, or small objects. These devices can also aid vision by adding contrast and changing color.

What is visual rehabilitation?

Visual rehabilitation is the treatment for low vision, and it takes a team effort. Your team may include your eye doctor, a low-vision specialist, and a vision rehabilitation teacher, among other therapists. It’s important to communicate your needs and what you want to be able to do with the help of low-vision aids.

Can low vision aids cause vision loss?

Make Life Easier With Low-Vision Aids. Macular degeneration is a common cause of vision loss. It stems from the loss of nerve cells needed for clear, central vision. It does not cause you to go blind, but it may cause low vision. Doing everyday tasks like reading can become difficult.

Can you use a bold tip marker for a visual aid?

Low-Tech Visual Aids. Visual aids don't need to be high-tech. They can be as simple as large-print books and magazines. You can buy playing cards with larger print. You can have your bank print checks with larger print. You can use a bold-tip marker for notes and shopping lists.

Can macular degeneration be fixed?

Macular degeneration cannot be fixed with surgery, eyeglasses, or contact lenses. But, low-vision aids—from a simple magnifying glass to a smartphone app—can help make life easier. 1. Magnifying Spectacles. These are much stronger than your average glasses. You could use them for things like reading or threading a needle.

Pharmaceutical-sponsored programs

Allergan, Inc.: Allergan offers patient assistance for dexamethasone (Ozurdex®) for treatment of retinal vein occlusion (RVO), diabetic macular edema and uveitis. (866) 698-7339, option 4

Independent programs

Independent patient assistance programs (PAPs) offer benefits for patients with Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance:

Living with Low Vision: Federal Benefits Programs

If you’re having difficulty paying for eye care services or medical treatment, you may qualify for one or more of these federal programs.

State and Local Benefits Programs

Each state and territory in the United States has programs that can help you find affordable health care services that cover vision care.

Resources for People with Macular Degeneration

BrightFocus Foundation has compiled contact information about services and organizations that can help people with AMD and other types of low vision:

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